A life is truly bless when one is blessed with friends. God has blessed me in my life with some wonderful friends. I don't have pictures of all of them, but here are a couple of my favorites.
My friend Jackie, has been there through thick and thin with me over the years. We've home schooled together, sat on countless bleachers watching our kids rodeo, scrapbooked together, spent time praying for each other, etc, etc. Thank you so much Jackie for making my life better and stronger by continuing to be my friend. This is a picture of us on a "Homeschool field trip" this past fall to Ft. Lincoln.

Another close friend to me, is my dear friend Becky. Oh, my Becky, I think we're cut out of the same bolt of cloth. You've shown me how to see the detail in life, when others miss it. (I'm still not as good as you though) Your servants heart always amazes me. So many times, when I'd call and ask your advice in raising my kids, you'd say, "This too shall pass. It's just a stage." Oh, how right you were. You and Jackie both have let me bear my heart, and you still like me. Amazing. Thank you so much for being my friend. Here's a picture of us at the Eureka Museum. Another great homeschool field trip this fall to see the Kuchen Factory and museum.

To my countless other friends, thank you too. I just don't have pictures of us together (or at least not on my computer anymore). Many of you have touched my life and made me a better person. Thank you!