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For the last 10+ years I have sat in this chair, given to me by my kids, to watch them compete in athletic events. I sat in for the last event yesterday. |
Am I being melancholy or am I just tired, yesterday was a hard but happy day. Sad cause I realized this was the last sporting event of my kids I will ever see (at least for High School years). I sat in my #1 MOM chair for the last time for them. Not that I won't ever use the chair again, I'm sure I will, but not to watch a High School sporting event of one of my three. The book has been closed, the story is over. Yah, there's a little bit of sad there, it's a way of life I finally got comfortable in. I didn't grow up with athletics, and if you know me, you understand why. The closest I ever got to being athletic was being on the Dance Team in High School one year (all four years in Marching Band though). Music was more my forte (pun intended).
There is a happiness in it all though. For now that this door has closed, that means new doors can open. New things will open up for Kristi (and the boys too.)
Tomorrow we celebrate another door closing. This one is slamming with a very loud squeak on it's hinges, cause it's been open for a very long time. Twenty-two years ago, I started homeschooling my children. What a journey it's been! Tomorrow we celebrate Kristi's Graduation from our Country Faith Home School.
There were moments of sheer joy, as I watched the light bulbs go off in their minds, there were moments of amazing frustration, as I watched them struggle with concepts they couldn't quite grasp, and I couldn't quite explain. There were moments of fun when we met weekly with our OAHE Homeschool group in Mobridge, and practiced for plays and musicals, played basketball, had music and art classes, had our Homeschool Olympics and just had fun together. Great memories! As I face the end celebration tomorrow, I have to be truthful, I can hardly wait to be done. It's been a long commitment, and anyone else who has homeschooled understands that. It meant giving up things I wanted to do, so I could dedicate time to my kids, but then again, what I really wanted to do was have great kids, who were outstanding citizens, gifted in each of their God given areas, and hearts that are in love with God, not cause Mom says so, but because they want to love God. To that end, if you ask me if I'd do it again, I'd say YES and Amen! God has rewarded my effort, how ever failing and weak at times, with three of most wonderful young adults you can imagine. God has answered my prayers for each of them, and I know He will continue to meet them as they continue on their journey as young adults.
Doors open, and doors close, it's all part of life. Like a good mystery writer, you come to the end of the chapter and he leaves you hanging wanting to know what will happen next, that's a good book! I'm turning the page to see what will happen next. Read on! Live on! Life is always changing. Change is hard, but can be good.