Thursday, December 22, 2022
Then Mary said, “Roger that!”
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
He Walked with Me Through
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The book is now available on |
These last few weeks have been pretty busy with my eyes glued to a computer screen doing the last edits and formatting on my 1st book called, “He Walked with Me Through”. On Friday, Dec. 16, 2022 it went live (available) on Amazon.
This is the story of Todd’s accident, TBI, and the bizarre life that followed for me, struggling through being a caretaker, and then later a widow. Even though it’s not a happy story, I still hope it can bring hope to the reader. Even through the darkest times, God can walk with you. We don’t always get delivered out of the darkness, but He always promises to walk with us through it. Then as we take one step at a time through the dark valley, we make progress towards the light and the beauty again.
I’ve dreamed for years of writing and publishing my writings. It didn’t just happen, I had to make it happen, and do the work, but the dream has come true. I’m still dreaming. I have at least three more ‘books’ floating around in my thoughts, and working on getting them down on paper.
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
My Gramma Drives a Jeep
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My three teachers who give me "Grandma Lessons" |
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Cat Hair in my Coffee
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Check Mate
My very excited redheaded grandson with a slight speech impediment tried so hard to explain to me how to set up my chess pieces to play this daunting game. He was especially excited because he had just gotten this chess board that day on his sixth birthday. He loves to play games. He loves the challenge and loves to compete against anyone willing to play with him. Now his gray haired Grandma sat across from him totally bewildered as I listened to him explain what to do. He tried to tell me where each piece went and then declared, you go first because you're white. My only problem was I had no idea what or where each piece could do, or move. So I moved a pawn one square. His next move was strategically moved across the board. I moved a piece and he said I had captured one of his pieces. I bewilderedly removed it from the board. In the next move he declared 'checkmate.' He had won. I had no idea why or how, but he said my king was cornered and I was in check mate, and he was declared the winner.
Monday, November 7, 2022
Road Construction
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Don’t forget the Bread
I recently heard someone tell a story that rung true in my heart and life.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Remember Lots Wife
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
This morning I was checking my emails, and became annoyed at all the junk email there was. Do you get them too? From different places you may have contacted in the past by ordering something, or checking their website, and now your email in-box is loaded with constant emails from them. I’ve tried to keep up deleting those unwanted emails, but then keep piling up on me. So I again started going down the list and unsubscribing.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Chasing Dust Bunnies
I recently moved all my belongings into a storage unit, and emptied out my house. As pieces of furniture were either removed because I sold them, or loading them into the moving truck, there always seemed to be those never ending dust bunnies underneath. Some were so large, I had to call them 'dust buffalos' because a bunny just didn't seem to fit them. Having a long haired cat has certainly added to the added dust collection. Nobody likes them, but most everyone has them, a dust collection, unwanted, unseen till deep cleaning happens, or you move the furniture. Dust bunnies don't hurt anything, just make you sneeze and are hard to sweep up, as they float around the floor. They float around gaining extra particles of dust, and hair as they roll across the floor.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Growing a Goldfish
One of the interesting things I learned from having goldfish, is their ability to grow. Their growth can actually be hindered by their environment. If they remain in a small fish bowl, they will never grow any larger, put them into a larger tank or pond, they will grow to meet their surroundings. We’re no different. Your environment can limit your growth. If you never experience different surroundings, you think life can and is, only what you have always known. You stay the same, and always do everything the same.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Lessons from a Goldfish
My backyard pond has been a really fun place to raise a few goldfish. I’ve never had goldfish before in my life, so learning how to care for them was a small learning curve for me.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Runway on My Roof
Runway on My Roof
As I begin, and am adapting to living in a motorhome full time, I’ve experienced a few interesting things that aren’t normal to living in a stick built house. This morning, as I sat at my table finishing up my breakfast and coffee, I suddenly heard clicky footsteps, or maybe I should say ‘claw steps.’ Some bird was using my roof as a runway. Prepare for take off, right after landing. It all made me chuckle.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Setting Out on a Coddiwomple Adventure
Setting out on a Coddiwomple Adventure
By Stephen Curtis Chapman
“Saddle up your horses
We’ve got a trail to blaze
Through the wild blue yonder of God’s Amazing Grace
Let’s follow our leader in the glorious unknown
This is the life like no other whoa
This is the Great Adventure”
This song has been one of my all time favorites for years, and in fact it’s been the ring tone on my phone for over 10 years. I’ve sung it, I’ve listened to it, but most of all I’ve lived it, and I am now off on another adventure. But what is an adventure? According to the dictionary an adventure is: An exciting or very unusual experience, a bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain outcome. I’m setting out in a Coddiwomple way; which means to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination. That’s what is happening in my life right now. I’m going to begin to travel with purpose but the destination is vague right now.
Recently I made the decision to leave Kenmare and Alive Christian Fellowship as the pastor. Now what to do? I just feel it’s time to for me to do something different and take a new direction in ministry. I’ve loved pastoring Alive Christian Fellowship and will miss the people very much. I’ve been here in Kenmare at Alive CF almost seven years. It’s been quite the ride. There’s been some highs and some lows, but God has been with me through it all.
At the time of this writing, my plan is to sell my house here, and then find a motorhome and travel wherever the Lord leads. I’m available to come preach, sing, do my comedy act, or just help out wherever. Just like Jesus told Mary at the resurrection, “go and tell…” (Matt 28:10) I feel compelled to go and tell the good news. And like Jesus said of himself in Luke 4:43 “I must preach the good news, the Gospel, of the kingdom of God to the other cities and towns also, for I was sent for this purpose…” I know I’m not Jesus, but I am part of His body. He declared the purpose of His body, and now I get to do my assignment to complete that purpose.
For a season my assignment was here in Kenmare, sharing the Gospel with those in this area. I gave it my all and poured my heart into it with everything I had. But now that assignment is over. It’s time to take the next step, no matter how shaky and uncertain it seems, I go out following my Shepherds voice. Like all things, this traveling about will be just for a season, although I don’t know yet the length of this season. I do want to eventually have a ‘home base’ and a home/house to live in again.
I’m also working on completing my first book, “He Walked with Me Through.” The story of walking through trauma, grief, and loss. The book is in rough draft, but I’m hoping to have it published by the end of this year.
I’ve updated my blog site. The web address is still: but the emphasis is more on Unfolding Grace Ministry now. I will be trying to post updates on where I am and what I’m doing on the blog. I’ve even attached a way you can partner up and come along side me in the way of giving. It’s not just money, I covet your prayers as I step out in this adventure. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.
I want to say a big thank you to all who supported me and came along side me in this past year. It was a long hard road of recovery following surgery, but things are looking so much better. My year checkup appointment with Mayo went well. Although the little bit of the tumor that they could not remove is still there, it has not grown or changed. The doctor called it ‘stable’, I call it, “It must go, in Jesus name!” The last check up on my eyes was positive too. They no longer feel I will loose my eye sight! That is a big Praise the Lord!
Until next time, may God’s grace (His divine influence in your life) continue to guide you. I’ll keep you posted occasionally on how His grace is influencing me.
In His Unfolding Grace
Kelley Reuer
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Glue or Gold
I read an article recently about Kintsugi. I had never heard of it before reading this article. It is a Japanese form or art, where they take cracked and broken pottery or glass, and ‘fix it’ with gold. Instead of trying to hide the crack caused by brokenness, they enhance it with beautiful gold and also increase its value. The pictures I saw of these pieces of pottery were just beautiful. Here in our western culture we try to hide the cracks, and try to make a repaired or restored piece look like it did before, or as good as new. But it’s not. It’s gone through a breaking, and needs a restoration. It has a history, and a new story needs to be told of it new restored beauty, it actually can be better than before, and more valuable when restored with the gold.
Monday, February 14, 2022
She Believed Retreat 2020
Do It Again
Do it again! Again!
Sunday, February 13, 2022
A Sunday's Widows Woes
One of the hardest days of the week for me as a widow has been Sunday. Now, I love the beginning of the day, when I get the opportunity to gather with other believers and worship Jesus. It’s what happens after church that I never like. I go home to an empty house, and most often spend the afternoon alone. Now, in reality, it’s no different than any other day of the week, when I’m all alone. But the loneliness on Sunday seems lonelier. If that that’s really possible. Maybe it’s the memories of spending Sunday afternoons and evenings with the kids and hubby, that make it worse.
I often call my kids to see how their week has been, which probably drives them nuts. I really am interested in their lives, and want to know how they’ve been, and what wonderful happening are going on in their lives. But sometimes the call is just loneliness on my part, and I want to hear another voice. Their lives on the other hand are anything but lonely, as they are busy with their own families and jobs.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
So What is Unfolding Grace Ministry?
When Jesus Failed an Algebra Problem
I remember those days of Algebra class in High School, with those awful word problems. I was never good at them, I know they were suppose to be preparing me for real life scenarios but I struggled to ever get them right. I think Jesus did too. He was presented this problem. Five thousand men, plus women and children are hungry and have no food. All that is available to feed them is five loaves of bread and two fish. How many people can be fed? (Story found in Matthew14:15-21)
Monday, January 31, 2022
So How Was Your Day
“So how was your day?” Is a common question asked between spouses as they gather back home, after their day of work, and living. The real communicative types give you the complete run down, minute by minute of the day, well others reply with a ‘fine.’