I recently heard someone tell a story that rung true in my heart and life.
His wife had called and asked him to please stop and pick up a loaf of bread on his way home from work. He said he’d be glad to. Her last words before they hung up the phone was, “Don’t forget the bread.” He chuckled, “Of course I won’t forget, that’s why I’m going to the store.” On his way home from work, he swung by the grocery store, but soon found himself distracted as to why he was there. He saw some bananas, and thought that sounded good, pretty soon he found himself in the cookie isle, then the chips, and somehow wandered over to the frozen section and eyed some ice cream, that just sounded so good. Soon his cart was filling up with all kinds of yummy sounding food, enough to comfort his soul and satisfy his hunger craving quickly. He went through the checkout, and headed on home. As he got home and set the grocery sacks on the kitchen counter, his wife took a peak, and said, “Did you remember the bread?”
Oh no! The main reason he went, he had neglected to do. Other things got in his way and distracted him. To quote the movie “Up” it was a “Squirrel!!” moment.
Though this mans story was funny it was the relate-ability of it that hit home. How many times do we set out with good intentions to do something, but get distracted by all the enticing things along the way, and then miss the main point all together. I fear I’m not alone in this trouble. I’m an easily distracted person. I often have to rein myself in, and say, “whoa!” Not what I’m suppose to be doing.
Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35). So don’t forget the bread! He’s the main thing. Life wants to distract you at every turn, but the bread is what you’re looking for. Don’t forget the bread!! Focus on the important and the thing you really need. The bread. And that bread is Jesus!