Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Encouraging Myself in the Lord


   This morning, I picked up my book, "Unfolding Grace Notes," and began reading some of it, randomly reading the different entries. I smiled on several, remembering writing it and what it meant to me, how God had unfolded that truth in my life. Why would I go back and read the things I wrote?  Because those are truths and encouragements God had brought to my life that I wanted to share with others to encourage them. Rereading them encouraged me again.

    I thought of King David in the Bible. (Story found in I Samuel 30:1-20)  He came back from a victorious battle to find his town had been raided and their families carried off as captives.  His warrior men with him were devastated, as was David, to find their wives and children gone and homes burned down.  And how most people react in a time of loss and pain, they find someone to blame. These loyal men turned on David and threatened to kill him.  They were bitter, and wanted someone to pay, and decided David was the one to pay.  Since they were following him and fighting his battles, it was his fault they all had a loss.  
  If you step back and consider it, their blame was misplaced. David had lost, too. But David's reaction was far different from his men's. David turned and encouraged himself in the Lord. He sought the Lord and asked God what he should do. And God answered. They pursued the raiders, conquered them, and recovered all that had been stolen. 
    I Sam 30:20 "Nothing of theirs was missing whether small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything that had been taken; David recovered it all."  
  They all got their wives and families back, and they all got their belongings back, because one man sought the Lord, and followed what God had said to do.  David didn't play the blame game, he played the encourage himself in the Lord game, and He won!  He went back to what had always brought him encouragement and direction, and through God, there was victory.
    When life gets discouraging and you feel like blaming others for the mess you're in.  Stop!  Turn to God and find out the truth.  He can lead you into victory.  Go back to the Word and seek the Lord while He may be found.  Who knows, maybe your turning to God for encouragement, can bring victory and encouragement to others around you. 
 If you haven't received a copy of my book Unfolding Grace Notes, it's available on Amazon.  It might encourage you like it still encourages me.