Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where the snow belongs?

While driving to Aberdeen today, Kristi and I saw this on the side of the road, and just had to stop and take a picture, it was pretty funny. An port-a-potty in the ditch, and full of snow. Just too funny to pass up a few quick shots. It looks like it could have been close to some construction site, shut down for the winter of course.
 This second port-a-potty was less than a quarter of mile from the first one, and on the opposite side of the road. It was half way up the john in snow. Since there was so little of the john showing, at first I didn't even think it was a port-a-potty, but on second look, I realized, yup there's another one buried in the snow.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sweet Hannah

 Hannah is one of the Seniors I was privileged to photograph this year. She was so much fun to work with. Their yard was a photographers paradise too. Thanks Hannah for a lot of fun.

 Her puppy got in on this one!

 If you look closely her kitty is in the background just over her shoulder.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Moreau River Sanctuary Pano

Was playing with doing a  panoramic. These are at the Moreau River Sanctuary. This first one was taken 
July of 09
 The second one was taken the past Dec 2010. This one was shot through the window and hand held, so the pano is a little soft and not perfect as I'd like it.  I also made the mistake of taking both of these panos horizontally, next time I'll do better.
If you haven't yet visited the Moreau River Sanctuary you're missing out on an awesome experience. It's a wonderful spot to get away from it all, and just enjoy life.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Please mail me spring!

Please someone mail me spring, before our mail box is totally buried. Not much post left showing.