Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Foggy Sunrise

This mornings sunrise was so beautiful. I captured these few pictures of the beauty.  

 Sunrise over the foggy Missouri River.

Somehow this above picture makes me think of, walking by faith, when things feel kind of foggy, you just need the 'son' to rise to displace the fog.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Dad-by-Love

Calvin Elmer Reuer
August 1934- August 2012

I have no childhood memories, for you weren't in my life back then
It was in my young adult years, that love brought me to you.
A love for your son, so strong and so deep
That brought us to the altar forever more to keep

They say I'm a daughter, but only by law
But you and I knew better, it was really all by love.
For every time I look at Todd, I do see
A part of you forever shining through his life to me.

I love and miss you Dad-by-love!

Monday, July 30, 2012


Today we went over to visit True and Tracie, and give True her Tutu I had made for her.  I called it her "TrueTu".  She loved it. What I didn't know is that Tracie had signed True up for a Mommy and Me dance class at a Ballet Studio. Her classes start tomorrow.  I guess I made the tutu just in time, kind of sounds like a God thing. :-)

 Let me Dance!!
Outside the entrance to True's KidCave. Complete with a castle entrance. How cool is that? We went inside and sat in the kid cave for a while. I took a picture with my cell phone, and it was so cute with True sitting at her table in her cave, but for some reason, it was not on my phone. Maybe I pushed delete instead of share, who knows?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Trip out to Willmar to say goodbye

We went out to Willmar last week to say good bye to Sarah and Kadence as they took off for Tulsa.  Sarah is going down early to find a place for them to live.
Below are some pictures of their cute little house they've been working on so hard to get ready to sell.
Just a little over a year ago we were helping them move in, now it's time to move out.
 Underneath all that ugly carpet was this beautiful hardwood floor. 

 While they were in the Bahama's I laid this new floor in the kitchen. Sarah had already painted the walls and cupboards. When they got home they had a new countertop put in. Looked so nice.

 Their bedroom almost done. 
 I love the upstairs of this house. It's all wood. So pretty.  This has been their office space.
 Kadence's room
 Another view of the kitchen. I love the high chair they found. It's the same kind I had for my kids growing up. 
 Here we are with our sweet little (tired) grand baby Kadence. 
 Total joy comin' at you!

 Kadence got a hold of Sarah's toothbrush while she was packing, and carried it around chewing on it for about 45 minutes. She only has two teeth, so she was really working it good. 
Auntie Kristi and Kadence. 
I know the people in Willmar are really gonna miss Tyson and Sarah and Kade. We are too, it was so nice having them somewhat close (within a days drive) for a while. I know God has many great things in store for you in your move to Tulsa. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
And Kade, I love my family too!!