Monday, October 15, 2012

Swim Meet at MHS

Tonight I attended my first ever swim meet to watch my cousin Rachel Ford swim.  Her mom and I are 1st cousins so I guess that makes us 1st cousins once removed. Right Trissa?  It was really interesting watching and learning a little about the sport of swimming.  Rachel is an awesome swimmer!!  Tonight she took 1st place in the IM and 2nd in the freestyle, missing the 1st by like a hundredth of second or something like that. It was really close anyway. 
I've never tried to shoot pictures of swimming before, so they're not super great. 
I think next time, I'll try a little faster shutter speed. But it still was a lot of fun to watch.
 Rachel is in lane 4 in the above picture. This is the IM which she took 1st in.

 Checking her score. She won by a lot!

 Rachel has a really fast start. She's mid air and the other girls haven't even left the block yet.
 She hits the water before everyone else.

 In Lane 5 here.

 You can really see how much she is ahead at the start here.
 She spots us in the crowd.  Next to  Rachel is her mom, my cousin Trissa.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Huntington Book Store

Kristi and I have discovered the Huntington Book Store in Mandan. Today we spent some time there, drooling over books, spending way too much money and just having fun. I had my camera a long and took some pictures of my favorite book worm. 
 Always should read a little bit to make sure it's good enough to buy. :-)
 Surrounded by Zane Grey Westerns, and other westerns. (But I think she was reading a Star Trek book! LOL)
 Books, books and more books.

 They have a large Christian section too.
 Checking out the antique books

So if you love books, check out Huntington's Book Store on Main Street in Mandan.
It's a great store!! And who knows you may find that book you've been looking for.
There's 1000's of books!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

VCSU Homecoming

Last week VCSU had their Homecoming. My son Philip, otherwise known as Phil, was one of the King Candidates. 
 My handsome son Phil
 Thought this seal was really cool, when we came into the building.
 Philip escorting Anna Fuka down to front of the auditorium. 
 They introduced Phil as the kid they could never remember how to pronounce his last name. Sigh....  Then they were each asked which Celebrity they would like to eat lunch with. Phil answered with Jesus, cause he thought that would be a very interesting conversation, but since that can't happen in this life, he'd take....
 Tim Tebow. Oh yah!
 This is Phil's roommate Wayne Engelhard, escorting Katie Paulson.
 They were each asked some "stupid" question on the spot. Phil was asked what was his favorite pickup line. He's asking advice from Wayne here I think...
 His answer was, "So I was reading in the book of Numbers last night, and I remembered I don't have yours."
 Clapping for the new King and Queen.
 VCSU Royalty court

 Phil and Anna. Anna is also on the track team.
 Anna and Phil acting a little more 'normal.'
 Roommates Wayne and Phil

 Phil and one of his basketball buddies
 The foursome from the track team that was on the Royalty Court.
 Anna was getting a little nervous they were going to drop her.
 Wayne, Anna, Phil and Richard running the race. Can you tell Phil is somewhat of an actor. Hmmm wonder where he got that from.... Congrats for making the Court all of you!
Phil, you weren't crowned VCSU king but you'll always be our King Philip. 
"PJ" just put it on my luggage! " 
(Sorry inside family joke, you just need to watch Walt Disney's Robin Hood to get it.) (and Phil's initials are PJ)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Autumn Fest Parade

There's something about a Marching Band I just love. Maybe it's because that was my favorite thing in High School  that I was involved with.  Now to see my daughter in a MHS Band uniform is just so cool!  Today was a perfect weather day for a parade, all the bands played so well, and it was so enjoyable.
 Kristi getting ready to go.

 I thought this was pretty cool. The first time I've ever seen a string group march, not an easy job for sure!! The two blonde headed boys are sons of friends of ours, and wonderful musicians!

 I love the kid sitting on the end of the trailer with his cello. And how the others marched with their cellos was pretty amazing!
 The Marching Braves! Go Mandan!
 The cutest flute player! Of course I'm a little bit bias.
 Friend Kodi Rose!  Such a sweetie. 
 There was two bands that had members in wheel chairs. I thought that it was awesome that the kids were involved and still marching even though they couldn't walk!  Way to go!

My favorite teenager after the parade.  This was her first big parade to march in. She said it was pretty fun too! Way to go Kristi!