Thursday, February 3, 2022
So What is Unfolding Grace Ministry?
When Jesus Failed an Algebra Problem
I remember those days of Algebra class in High School, with those awful word problems. I was never good at them, I know they were suppose to be preparing me for real life scenarios but I struggled to ever get them right. I think Jesus did too. He was presented this problem. Five thousand men, plus women and children are hungry and have no food. All that is available to feed them is five loaves of bread and two fish. How many people can be fed? (Story found in Matthew14:15-21)
Monday, January 31, 2022
So How Was Your Day
“So how was your day?” Is a common question asked between spouses as they gather back home, after their day of work, and living. The real communicative types give you the complete run down, minute by minute of the day, well others reply with a ‘fine.’
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Piled in the Basement
I made a quick trip down to the basement, to put something back in it's storage place when I saw it all sitting there. A wheel chair, two walkers, a stair stepping cane, toliet seat riser, and a bed rail. It was only a couple a months ago, and these were all part of my daily life. How far I've come, but how scary to see them again, and remember how bad off I was. Unless you've come through something like I've been through, you just can't understand what it feels like to remember those things. Yes, I'm rejoicing how well I'm doing now, but I know the pain and work it's taken to get here. You just see the progress, I still remember and feel the pain. The pain of even trying to get out of bed, and pain shooting through my body, as I tried to move, my legs unwilling to go where my brain was telling them to go. Move! no response. Move! Still no response. I'd push with my arms and hands, which caused more pain from the blister caused by an IV gone bad. Move! Shooting pain in my back, for trying to compensate for the lack of strength in my legs and hips. This was brain surgery, why then aren't my legs working? I didn't understand and still don't. All I felt was pain and frustration. Nurses and workers and family telling me to cooperate, but I was trying, but my body wasn't responding in the way I wanted it too.