Do it again! Again!
Monday, February 14, 2022
Do It Again
Sunday, February 13, 2022
A Sunday's Widows Woes
One of the hardest days of the week for me as a widow has been Sunday. Now, I love the beginning of the day, when I get the opportunity to gather with other believers and worship Jesus. It’s what happens after church that I never like. I go home to an empty house, and most often spend the afternoon alone. Now, in reality, it’s no different than any other day of the week, when I’m all alone. But the loneliness on Sunday seems lonelier. If that that’s really possible. Maybe it’s the memories of spending Sunday afternoons and evenings with the kids and hubby, that make it worse.
I often call my kids to see how their week has been, which probably drives them nuts. I really am interested in their lives, and want to know how they’ve been, and what wonderful happening are going on in their lives. But sometimes the call is just loneliness on my part, and I want to hear another voice. Their lives on the other hand are anything but lonely, as they are busy with their own families and jobs.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
So What is Unfolding Grace Ministry?
When Jesus Failed an Algebra Problem
I remember those days of Algebra class in High School, with those awful word problems. I was never good at them, I know they were suppose to be preparing me for real life scenarios but I struggled to ever get them right. I think Jesus did too. He was presented this problem. Five thousand men, plus women and children are hungry and have no food. All that is available to feed them is five loaves of bread and two fish. How many people can be fed? (Story found in Matthew14:15-21)