Thursday, June 9, 2011

He leads me beside still waters

I'm taking a photography class at BSC, and this weeks assignment was to spell out a word. 
My word was peaceful.  Here's my interpretation of Peaceful.
Another beautiful North Dakota Sunset and my beautiful daughter.
And what is more peaceful than the Word of God, next to some water and a beautiful sunset? 
 It sure said Peaceful to me.
Hope you like it.
 On the funny side of this picture.  Kristi and I got to the location, and was getting out the gear to set everything up when I realized I forgot my camera!! Had to laugh. Good thing I was only a couple of miles from the house.  It reminded me of all those rodeos we went to and always seemed to forget something, but at least we never forgot the horse.  (saddle, ropes, reins, halters, yes, but we always remembered the horse!)

Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3 Pictures

I've posted these on Facebook, but since I know there are a few followers who don't have Facebook, I thought I'd post a few here too. This was what we woke up too, after one of the scariest wind (tornado?) storms I've ever been through at about 1 am this morning.  But God kept us all safe.
 The Apple Tree went down.
 The gouge where the camera left is spot. 
 How we found our camper this morning about 6 am. There are pieces scattered over a 1/2 mile
 The camper had been parked to the right of the light blue garage. It went down the ditch, and over the road, and into the opposite ditch. There was very little wreckage on the other ditch though.
 Where we found our glider bench. In the hedge!! (on the opposite side of the house where it had been)
 My very wonderful family (Mom and Dad, sisters and brother) came out to help clean up. Here Todd and LaRue are heading out with another load for the dump. Dad is walking though the wreckage.
My sister Debbie found this little sticker on a broken piece of plastic. I'm not sure what it was off of, but we thought it was very ironic finding it today. I want that Guarantee!!! I don't think they were taking into  consideration Tornado winds.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Livin' Black and White in a not so Black and White World

I got to thinking about when you're living for Christ, you life is more black and white, but the world around you isn't. So I did another edit on this photo. This is not to say that their lives are gray and boring and everything around them colorful. Nope not at all. Just sayin' Livin' Black and White in a not so Black and White World.

Tyson and Sarah on Robbin's Island

This Grandma really wanted to get some Prego pictures of my daughter in law and son. We went out to Robbin's Island. My what a beautiful place. Here's what we got. 
And baby makes three (puppy four)