Tuesday, December 27, 2011

30 years ago

Thirty years ago, these two young good looking people were getting ready to say "I do" on Jan. 2, 1982.  
We had a cousin's party last night at my sisters condo and Debbie brought out some old photo albums, in one of them she had our engagement pictures. So I "borrowed' the album and scanned of few of these lovely photos of us in our younger years.  It's kind of like, Todd looks the same, and what happened to me? 
 Looking off to the future. Man if we had known what was going to happen...

 Love the google glasses Todd!

 I was pretty 'blind' for these pictures, but determined I would not be remember forever in my ugly 'goggle glasses'

 Our Graduation from Shiloh Training Institute in May of 1982. Rev. Maryianne Sitton, the president of the school.
 Us looking a little more "normal" ha ha!
 This is the horse we called Shiloh, that we sold to Mr. Wood. He made this cart and trained the horse to pull it. He invited us out to his place for a ride. I still remember it, it was so fun!
We're still hanging around together after 30 years! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tebow-ing Nothing New

I've heard there's a buzz around the news about Tim Tebow and his bowing to pray.  My hats off to Tim and his stand for the Lord, but bowing to thank the Lord is really nothing new, it's just the media finally has noticed cause he's in the spot light. (or Denver is finally winning and they're wondering why, and think Tim's praying has something to do with it)
I've always been so proud of Phil in his years of sports to always give the Lord praise before his running or any other sport. Here are a few pics from the archives that I have found of Phil taking a knee before a race.  I've seen Phil bow before a football play, and a basketball game too, but I haven't always caught it on "film" as I have in track.

 State track meet 2010

Regionals 2010
In everything you do, give thanks to the Lord!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fluffy and Quito

Today was just beautiful, I grabbed the camera and took some shots. I loved these of our Dog Quito and our cat Fluffy. Well, Fluffy's real name is Charcoal, but he's so fluffy, we always call him Fluffy.  After these pictures I should have called him Wood Bark. He blends in.
 There's never been a more faithful dog than Quito.
 Had a hard time getting a picture of Quito. I kept telling him "down" but then he'd look away. So I'd call his name to have him look at me, and then he'd start coming to me.
 Todd was getting a lick bath.

 Fluffy climbed up the tree and he kind of like blends in. Camo  kitty.

 He was sticking his tongue out at me. Thought it was pretty funny.
 As I was flipping through the pictures, Todd and I both said at the same time, "He looks like an owl in this picture."  LOL
Fluffy my friendly little ball of fur!! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011