Barrel looked a lot like this one
The other day, I was out at the church all afternoon, doing various things getting ready for the Christmas Program on the 17th. I finally started heading back into Hardin around 4 pm. (The Church is about 10 miles north of town, a true country church!) I was just listening to Christmas music in my Jeep, and driving the short trip back into town. Nothing prepared me for what happened next. There was a pickup approaching heading north, when all of a sudden I saw a barrel roll off the flatbed and start rolling down the highway straight at me. This was a metal barrel, but a half size one. I remember we had several of those around the ranch and used them for water or feed. I think some kind of feed comes in them? But I wasn't thinking any of that at that moment, all I knew was, it was coming straight at me, and how was I going to avoid it. I don't remember that being mentioned in Drivers Ed class "How to avoid metal barrels coming at you," was not in the course. Trying to anticipate it's rolling direction, I was trying to get out of its way as quickly and safely as possible, but even though I tried, the impact still happened. There was no avoiding it. It caught my front drivers bumper and fender, and deflected off my Jeep to roll across the road and landed in someone's driveway. I stopped my Jeep, and put on my flashers and got out to access the damage. Flashbacks of last year hitting a deer and totaling my first Jeep had flashed before my eyes. I expected the worse.
To my surprise, there was little damage. The bumper has a good scrap and a small crack, and the fender had come loose. The clips that hold it in place seemed to all be there, so I lined it back up and pushed it back on. Another pickup stopped to see if I was ok. I told him I was fine, although my heart was still racing from all the excitement. The driver and owner of the barrel never stopped, not sure if he even realized he had lost it.
After assessing the damage, which I knew could have been a lot worse, I realized that there must have been an angel there protecting me. "For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go." Psalms 91:11 I am so thankful for his protection and care.
Things in life often come unexpected. Like a sudden storm. If you knew it was going to happen, you could have been prepared, but that's not always possible. Like when Jesus and the disciples went into a boat to go the other side of the lake. In Mark 4:35-41 it tells the story. This was a sudden unexpected storm of wind. Something you can't see coming. Some of these disciples were skilled fishermen, they knew the sea, but it says they were afraid. The boat was taking on water, and it looked like they were going to perish. But Jesus spoke a few words which caused the whole storm to cease. The wind, which you can't see, but can feel the results of, stopped. The waves, those things we can see, became peaceful water again. Make sure Jesus is in your boat!
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