Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rattle Me Shake Me

   The other day, a memory from Junior High floated back into my recall memory. I was sitting in some class and thinking of a song (my mind wandered even back then). The song was about being happy in Jesus and had a couple of funny verses to it. One verse was about sitting in a classroom, getting asked why you were smiling, and getting sent to the principal's office because the teacher thought the student was high on drugs. So, as I sat at my desk thinking about that song with a smile on my face, my teacher called on me and asked, "Miss Shaw, what are you smiling about?" That made me smile and probably giggle all the more. I don't remember my reply, nor did I get sent to the principal's office, but it is a funny memory for me. There's always a song playing in my head, usually relating to what's happening around me. Although I hold this memory, I had forgotten the song. Then, a couple of days ago, I played a mix of older music from the 70s on my Spotify app. Some good Second Chapter of Acts, Evie, Keith Green and a few more, when the song started playing. I realized I knew this song, and that's the song that had me smiling in that Junior High classroom. So listen to this wonderful fun song from Nancy Honeytree called "Rattle Me Shake Me." It made me smile way back in Junior High and still makes me smile today, because I've got Jesus inside!! 

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