Thursday, July 25, 2024

Walking with Heat


  I did something today, that I've never done before. I went for a walk. LOL. I've actually done that a lot, but today, I went for a walk, and packed my gun with me. Why? Because a neighbor had spotted a mountain lion the other day. Since I walk down dirt trails between fields, packing a gun is not a bad idea. I thankfully didn't see a mountain lion, but did get startled by a pheasant flying up out of the golden barley next to the road. After I jumped I had to laugh at myself for being startled by a bird. LOL! I took my walk quite early before the heat from the sun kicked in again. Yesterday it was 107, today is supposed to hit 100 again too, but early this morning at 6 am, it was in the cool 70's. The cool air felt so good after yesterday.

    Carrying a gun, packing heat, conceal carry, open carry, these are all fairly new terms and phrases for me. I'm still in the learning mode. I have actually surprised myself, that I'm a fairly good shot. I typically shoot around 60%, or out of every 10 shots, 6 of them are in the bulls eye zone, the others close by. Not too bad for a beginner. I'd love it if every shot made the bulls eye, but I'm not there yet, nor am I in life. I often am shooting at the target, but miss getting it straight on. I mess up, I miss. I'm human. In shooting, I'm a beginner, and just learning how to sight in my target. I've had a little more experience in this game of life, but still often miss my targeted bullseye. Thankfully my God is a forgiving God, and like the game of Horse Shoes, 'close' can often still score you points. My perfectionistic personality wants me to think I'm a failure, but thankfully God doesn't see me as that. He tells me that He began a good work in me and He will complete it. As long as I'm still aiming at the target, He can work with me. 
So don't give up. Keep on going. Keep aiming for the mark, and try again. God has great things in store! And carry heat when a mountain lion has been spotted in your area.🙂 And walk when it's cool before there's too much heat.🙂 
"I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]." Philippians 1:6 AMP

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