Monday, January 31, 2011

I Can See for Miles and Miles

A few more pictures from my walk a couple of days ago. We've had another 7 inches since then! Like we really needed it!
 I can see for miles, and miles. And it's nothing but white, white, white. This is right across the road from our house.
Don't think this fence can keep the cows in anymore. But then again, they'd sink way to far into the drift to get very far.  This is right by our house.
This is the same pump I had posted a few months ago at Sunrise, but now with a mountain of snow by it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Under his watchful eye

Our dog Quito is loyally devoted to Kristi. He watches over her like a mother hen with her chicks. Now that the snow is so high around the house, he watches over her while she watches TV or reads a book on the couch. You couldn't ask for a better dog.
Kristi may never forgive me for posting this picture, it's not very good one of her, but I wanted to show how devoted Quito is to her.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Windmill in the snow

It was just such a beautiful day today, I went for a little walk with my camera.


This is a picture I shot way back in 2005 with my first Digital camera. It was an Olympus 3.0 point and shoot. The resolution of this picture isn't the greatest (my cell phone takes higher resolution pictures now than that camera) but I still love this picture. Corky, is the father of a friend of mine. He came and helped with one of our brandings. He use to steer wrestle in his day, and is still a rodeo judge at many a 4H Rodeos in SD.  He's so much fun to be around, and I'm so glad I captured this shot.  That year I entered this picture in the Mobridge Art show and won 1st place. I also entered it in the Dewey Co. Fair and got a 1st place and Reserve Champion on it. Winnings or not, it will always be listed as a favorite of mine. Plus I just love the lovely green hills of west river South Dakota.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You have to have some humor to live in ND

As Todd was getting dressed to go to work this morning, he came in the kitchen with his old red hat that he's worn for ages and ages, and had it on backwards. He said he was being cool like the kids now a days. I thought it was just too funny and ran and got my camera.  Doesn't quite look he'd fit in with the "hip" kids of today, but then again, maybe? This is a one "Hip Cowboy!!" Either that or the cold weather is getting to him.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


 Quito on top of the snow drift outside the sunroom. This drift is about 6 to 7 feet high.
 Drifts in the yard
 Kristi in her tunnel
 snow in our yard.
Snow on the prairie. Road to the west of our house.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Today I wear purple and wear a red hat

Yup, today I'm 50. Thank you Lord for 50 years thus far, and for a whole lot more!!


A life is truly bless when one is blessed with friends.  God has blessed me in my life with some wonderful friends. I don't have pictures of all of them, but here are a couple of my favorites. 
My friend Jackie, has been there through thick and thin with me over the years. We've home schooled together, sat on countless bleachers watching our kids rodeo, scrapbooked together, spent time praying for each other, etc, etc. Thank you so much Jackie for making my life better and stronger by continuing to be my friend. This is a picture of us on a "Homeschool field trip" this past fall to Ft. Lincoln.
Another close friend to me, is my dear friend Becky. Oh, my Becky, I think we're cut out of the same bolt of cloth. You've shown me how to see the detail in life, when others miss it. (I'm still not as good as you though) Your servants heart always amazes me.  So many times, when I'd call and ask your advice in raising my kids, you'd say, "This too shall pass. It's just a stage."  Oh, how right you were.  You and Jackie both have let me bear my heart, and you still like me. Amazing. Thank you so much for being my friend. Here's a picture of us at the Eureka Museum. Another great homeschool field trip this fall to see the Kuchen Factory and museum.
To my countless other friends, thank you too. I just don't have pictures of us together (or at least not on my computer anymore). Many of you have touched my life and made me a better person. Thank you!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What I love to do

Since it's my birthday on Friday. I thought I'd do a few pictures of me doing things I like to do. 
Now, you must understand, finding a picture of me is most difficult. Since I am usually the one taking them, I'm rarely in them. So, I'll have to rely on pictures other people have taken. A couple of today's photos are ones my sister Debbie took of me taking pictures at some family weddings. This first picture was  my first solo wedding. Since my brother got married in his home, I tried to set up a back drop in the garage to take pictures. Unfortunately my back drop ended up a gross gray/purple instead of the nice gray I had imagined. I was scared spitless, and really had no clue as to what I was doing. But despite it all I did get some nice pictures.
 This second picture was my second family wedding I did for my nephew and his wife. Was a lot of fun, once I got over my nervousness. My sister Debbie again took this picture.
 The above picture is me and my friend Sabine at a wedding in Colorado. I photographed it, and she videoed. Not sure who took the picture.
Ok, I'm the one in pink in the background snapping pictures at my sons wedding this summer. This picture was taken by Dennis Benson who was the official photographer at the wedding. I was just having fun shooting. Just can't take a camera out of my hands, even at my own sons wedding. It was just too fun to be taking pictures. Had a great time visiting with Dennis too. Someone to talk cameras and pictures with!! Yah!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


This morning I was looking out the sunroom window and watched water droplets off some icicles. I thought, wonder if I could catch some drips. Well, here's of few of what I caught.  Nice to see it warm enough for a little bit for things to melt.
 This drop got hit by another drop from another icicle and exploded. Pretty cool