Friday, November 30, 2012

Todd's BD and MHS Band Concert

I'm a little slow in getting pictures up lately, but here's a couple shots from the past few weeks.
 Todd celebrated his 52 birthday. After a yummy meal at the Texas Roadhouse, we went to LaRue and Tracie's for some cake and ice cream.  Of course it's "Crazy Cake" also know as Uncle LaRue's favorite cake, but hey, it's my favorite too.  Been a family 'birthday cake' tradition for years!
 Kristi had her first band concert with MHS on Nov 19th.  Because CBII is small, they performed with CBIII for a joint concert.  
 Kristi here on the end.  Sitting about 7th chair out of 13 flutes! (not too bad since she hasn't been in band for the last two years) That's a lot of flute players. But in CBII there is only two players. The girl that plays piccolo and Kristi.  As a flute player myself I was so proud of Kristi, and I have to say she's one of the few girls that holds her flute properly. (I wonder why?  Proper posture is a big thing with me while playing flute.  Kind of drilled it into her too)
 Rest, 1, rest 2, rest 3... or was it 4?  I always hated counting out the rest time, I always would loose count. Thankfully Kristi didn't. :-)
 Kristi's friend Kodi Rose on the end her with the clarinet.  I've known Kodi's mom since she was 11 years old, and remember the day Kodi was born.  (which means Kodi's mom is way younger than Kristi's mom. LOL)
Mr Boehm taking a bow.  I found him to be a very good director.  He is also a graduate from MHS.  Mandan knows how to grow good stock of musicians!
Great job kids, was an enjoyable concert (except for the drunk guy across the aisle).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Stretching and Learning- Cows and Christmas

Recently I was asked to do some photography that really stretched me. They aren't areas where I know much about.  The first was photographing a Livestock Auction Barn and the Second a Home that was on the Holiday Home Walk for the Symphony.  I'm not sure I did a great job on either one, but I tried my hardest, and I guess that's all I can do.

Napoleon Livestock Sale Barn

 Of course what I find the most interesting is the people at the barn.

I also went out to Bitz's Feed Lot for a few pictures

 Lined up to eat. 

Holiday Home Walk

 Their home has this adorable storage shed built like a gingerbread house. Talk about cute!!
 The home was also showcasing a local artist's paintings.  They were just as awesome as the home decorations.

 Different stores help sponsor and decorate the home. 
 Loved this violin hanging above their door.  
 Loved this fountain, and how the purple lights reflected in the water.

Both shoots were a challenge, but also a lot of fun.  I know I have a lot to learn, but this is one way I can learn. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Remembering my Father in Law...

It's been almost three months since my father in law went home to heaven.  I was going through pictures tonight, and came across these pictures I took at the funeral and following day at his home.  It's still really hard to post them, I still miss him so much.  I've often wanted to pick up the phone and call him, but know I can't.

 Dad's hat resting in the flowers. 

 His flowers he had planted along side his home.  He cared about the little things of beauty.
 He was building his deck when he passed away. There was still fresh pencil marks on the floor, and it was unfinished.  He was doing what he loved to the very end.
 He'll no longer sit on his deck and watch the sunrise, or pull up a stump...
 We found this pile of coins and his watch on the kitchen table. His watch had burn marks on it, so we think he came in the house and emptied his pockets and took off his watch.
 His old jean coat hanging on the chair where he last left it.
 The man that wore these boots, walked a road of life that was filled with love for his family.
 Tools left where he had been working.  He was such a wonderful carpenter! 
 Dad had just celebrated his birthday. Both of his sisters sent him the same card.  We all thought that was pretty funny.  Funny card too!
 Dad loved his Little Debbie's. Found this box hidden behind the microwave. Yah, he wasn't suppose to be eating them either. 

 Todd and I posing by the sign Dad had just made at the entrance to his lot.  
 This is the hardest picture to post and see.  This is his shirt and hat, burned from the fire that took his life. We found his hat in the house and I'm not sure where Dean found the shirt.  I can't imagine the agony and pain that he went through.
 The sun was setting when we left his place, and the sun had set on his life here on earth, but it will never set in our hearts. Love and miss you so much Dad!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cute little Amelia

This adorable little girl was our neighbor when we lived out in Kintyre, but sorry to say, I really never got to know the family very well. So I was so excited when they contacted me and asked me to do Amelia's Five year old pictures.  She's also big sister to her twin brothers.  But today it was all Amelia.
Here are a couple of the photos from this afternoon shoot.
 Happy fifth birthday Amelia!!

 She brought her little kitty "Molly" along and he got in on a few pictures. Yes, Molly is a boy. :-) Kind of like our Fluffy is a boy.  
 Amelia brought her Grandma along and we got a couple shots in with her.  This is the first time I met her, and when I realized who she was I had to say a big thanks to her, for I've used her yard for a couple of photo shoots while out in Kintyre. (yes, it was with permission, but the Seniors I was shooting had contacted her).  She has a beautiful flower garden that is a photographers paradise!
 Dancing in the pretty dress!

 Just had to do a little playing and make her a little Christmas Angel.  Isn't she just a doll?!!!!
Amelia and her mom Kristi are going to be in a wedding next month, and they both wanted to wear their very pretty dresses.  You both look so beautiful!
So thank you Kristi and Amelia for such a fun afternoon, and letting me capture you smile.  

Friday, November 2, 2012

McEachran Family

Tonight we had a fun session with the McEachran family at the studio.  I've gotten to know Jan a little bit as she's coworker with my sister.  What a wonderful woman of God, and her precious family. 
Their daughters and grandchildren were all here for a visit so it was a great time to capture some family fun and love.

 Lots of joy around with the grandkids home!

Thank you McEachran family for a fun filled time doing what I love to do.