Thursday, March 31, 2011

My first HDR photo

I've had a great fascination with HDR (High Dynamic Range) photos lately, and so tonight I attempted my first HDR photo.  It may not be the best HDR, but I thought it was kind of cool for my first try.  Hope you like the different effect HDR gives a photo.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Waiting for Spring

There's this little bridge not far from our house. I stopped last Sat and snapped this picture. As I stepped out of the car, I fell on the ice. I was still half way in the car and half way out. Kristi just sat there and laughed at me. Oh well! Only my pride was hurt, so I got the camera and got the shot. 
I'm looking forward to when it warms up and there will be water running under the bridge. Hopefully it can all stay under the bridge and not over the road. When it does warm up (and it has to some day) I'll go back and get another shot in a Spring setting!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Portrait Workshop Pictures

My friend Ken Yetter offered me and another man a couple hours of his time and taught us some great stuff about portrait lighting. Here are my favorites from the workshop. Kristi was our wonderful model. It was only about 21 degrees out and the wind was blowing, believe me it was cold. Thanks Ken for all the help and letting me try out all your cool lights.
 Those of you who have known me for years may recognize this beanie. Yup, that's the same one I wore in High School!! It's actually Kristi's favorite, go figure.
 I'm so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter who's willing to be my model all the time. What a girl!

 I love the reflection on the black marble on these two shots. Very cool.
 The jeans Kristi is wearing use to mine too. Obviously when I was much thinner. They were my very favorite, About the only article of clothing I still have from my "skinny" days. Glad she can make use of them now.
 Probably my favorite shot. SERV is a Christian Rap Singer. He was my son's room mate before Ty got married. Great guy. 

All these shots were taken at the ND capital. This is in the tunnel/carport entrance. The ceiling is just beautiful. I believe it's brass. We hoped it would get us out of the wind some, but the wind was wiping through here pretty bad too. By the end of the shoot I couldn't feel my toes and Kristi's nose was drippin' and her cheeks and nose very red. Please let us have spring soon!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Remembering Rick and Bethany

Two years ago we had to say goodbye to two very precious people in our lives. Rick and Bethany Taylor. Although we didn't know them long, our hearts seemed to have known them forever. That kindred spirit we saw in them.  We still miss them greatly, but know our lives are better for knowing them. 
 Pastor Rick Taylor always joyful. 

 Bethany Lynn Taylor
Bethany, I'll never forget picking all those goat heads out of my shoes for a week after this shoot. And how we laughed and laughed.  I was so afraid we were trespassing and going to get in trouble for being in all these old buildings, and you just thought it was funny. 

A blazing Sky

The sunrise the past few mornings has been so beautiful. Just another shot out our sunroom window at sunrise.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

After the storm

 First we had rain with lightning and thunder, which later started to freeze.
 More ice on the trees
The rain was followed by over 4 inches of snow. I love the dogs tracks in the is picture.
And yes, I did shoot these all from inside the house, cause I was too lazy to go out in the cold to shoot. LOL

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Movie Night

A couple of weeks ago, my mom and two of my sisters came out and had a movie night at my house. We also toured Napoleon that afternoon. Had a great time.  

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Puddles and signs of spring

Starting to see some slush
Wow! I'm tall! Or at least my shadow is.  We can see the gravel too!
The moon and Mt. Snowdrift
Look, a puddle!! Yahoo!
We've got a ways to go to get rid of all this, but progress is being made! There's actually bare spots where the snow had been plowed away.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to my sweet daughter Kristi!!

Today Kristi turns 14. Can't believe how the years have flown by. Kristi you're not only beautiful on the outside your inside shines of a greater beauty. I count every day a blessing having you in our lives.  I'm watching you blossom into a beautiful woman of God, and it is so cool to watch.  I love how you love animals, love to learn, always have a positive attitude, and walk in faith and love. I pray this year, others will be able to get to know you and what a great person you are.  Love you bunches!! 
So here are 14 lovely pictures of my lovely daughter. As you can see I have a wonderful model to practice photography, and also a few of Kristi just being Kristi.

 Notice Quito hiding in the tree behind her, never far away, always making sure she's OK.

 My favorite picture of Kristi.

 Kristi's favorite way to do school, the Peruvian hammock, a kitty and a literature book.
 Goat Tying at Cowgirl heaven.
Riding Patience in the rain at Cowgirl Heaven.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Napoleon Girls District Champions

A big congrats out to the Napoleon Girls Basketball Team for winning their District Championship. Also a big Congrats out to Rikki Schmidt in winning the player of the year for the District. Here's a picture of Rikki finding out she had won. I love the emotion of the moment in this picture.