Thursday, December 22, 2022

Then Mary said, “Roger that!”

I recently heard someone use the phrase "Roger that."  My curious mind got to thinking.  I wonder where that phrase came from, and why.  So I did a little search online to discover the answer.  Roger is used in the US Military phonetic alphabet for the letter r.  It became equivalent to saying received.   Some have even stretched it to mean the acronym Received Order Given Expect Results.  
   Receiving an order and carrying it out almost seems nonexistent in the rebellious world we live in.  People seem more at home bucking orders than obeying them.  This happens from young children rebelling against their parents at every command to people undermining and not carrying out duties and commands at the workplace.
    I thought about the young girl Mary in the Bible.  What if she would have not received the message the angel brought her?  The story is told in Luke 1: 26-38.  An angel appears, which would be frightening to anyone.  He did have to tell her not to be afraid.  Be real. If an angel suddenly appeared, you'd be shaking a little too, and maybe let out a little screech of fear.   After the angel brought her the message, she only asked how this was gonna happen, not if it was going to happen, which would have been doubting.  After the angel explained to her further, her words are "Behold, the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word..."   That's a little old English for our ears, so let me put it in Kelley's version for today, "Wow! that's amazing! Incredible! Roger that! I’m your girl Lord, let it happen to me!"   Not a actual greek translation, but do you get the point?  Roger that!  Message received and I'm expecting the results to happen in my life.
    You and I  don't need an angel to appear to us with a message like Mary did. But every time we open up our Bibles God is wanting to speak to you and me.  Are you listening?  When you hear the message,  you need to answer, "Roger that."

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

He Walked with Me Through

The book is now available on

 These last few weeks have been pretty busy with my eyes glued to a computer screen doing the last edits and formatting on my 1st book called, “He Walked with Me Through”.  On Friday, Dec. 16, 2022 it went live (available) on Amazon.  

    This is the story of Todd’s accident, TBI, and the bizarre life that followed for me, struggling through being a caretaker, and then later a widow.  Even though it’s not a happy story, I still hope it can bring hope to the reader.  Even through the darkest times, God can walk with you.  We don’t always get delivered out of the darkness, but He always promises to walk with us through it.   Then as we take one step at a time through the dark valley, we make progress towards the light and the beauty again.

   I’ve dreamed for years of writing and publishing my writings.  It didn’t just happen, I had to make it happen, and do the work, but the dream has come true.  I’m still dreaming.  I have at least three more ‘books’ floating around in my thoughts, and working on getting them down on paper.  

    Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

My Gramma Drives a Jeep

My three teachers who give me "Grandma Lessons"

 My Gramma Drives a Jeep

My Gramma drives a Jeep, 
I think that’s pretty neat
She tow’s it behind the big RV
For the country she does see.

She travels all around 
Singing songs about our Lord
She opens up the Word of God
And on it, she does expound.

But just the other day
She parked it not far away
Said she wanted to take some time
To get to know her little tribe.
So all winter I get to see
My Gramma who drives a Jeep and RV
I get to hug her around the neck
And she can play games with me 

My Gramma drives a Jeep,
I think that’s pretty neat.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Cat Hair in my Coffee

  I looked down to my cup of coffee and saw that all too familiar  thing.  A cat hair.  An all too familiar reminder I’m living with a long-haired fuzzy fur ball in a very small living space.  No matter how much I clean, and roll the lint rollers, there’s cat hair on everything.  Grace.  
       She’s also my alarm clock every morning.  If I’m not up by 5:30, she jumps on top of me and begins her massage somewhere on  my body, most of the time in an area I’d prefer not to have a cat massage.  If I try to roll over onto my tummy to have her massage my back, she just jumps off the bed.  If I some how manage to stay in bed after the 5:30-Tic-Toc-Kitty-Alarm-Clock, she’ll come and insist my hands were made only for petting her, as she pushes her nose under my hand, trying to get me to pet her.  In her mind, what else are hands for,  but to pet her.
    She’s not all bad, she has her purr-ffect moments, when she crawls up in my lap when I’m watching a TV show, and lays there in contentment and purrs.  There’s something so soothing about a cats purr.  It just echos contentment.  I think maybe I should curl up in my Saviors lap more often and just lay there in contentment and purr knowing that He’s got this all together, and has a great plan for my life, all I have to do if follow where His hand guides me.
    So as I fish the cat hair out of my coffee, I just have to say thank you Lord for a little fur-ball friend who sometimes reminds me to just be content.
     “I don’t say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself.” Philippians 4:11 and Hebrews 13: 5 “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
    Being content, it’s becoming a lost art in our society.  Give it a try today.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Check Mate


My very excited redheaded grandson with a slight speech impediment tried so hard to explain to me how to set up my chess pieces to play this daunting game.  He was especially excited because he had just gotten this chess board that day on his sixth birthday.  He loves to play games.  He loves the challenge and loves to compete against anyone willing to play with him.  Now his gray haired Grandma sat across from him totally bewildered as I listened to him explain what to do.  He tried to tell  me where each piece went and then declared, you go first because you're white.   My only problem was I had no idea what or where each piece could do, or move.  So I moved a pawn one square.  His next move was strategically moved  across the board.  I moved a piece and he said I had captured one of his pieces.  I bewilderedly removed it from the board.  In the next move he declared 'checkmate.'  He had won.   I had no idea why or how, but he said my king was cornered and I was in check mate, and he was declared the winner.
    He was mostly excited because he had just beat his grandma in chess, this old lady was an easy opponent, but to him, she was an adult and he had won game.  Little did he realize that this Grandma didn't know even how to play, so winning was a given for him.
    I thought about other games in life I've been thrown into, without knowing the rules.  My opponent knew how to play, and was eager to do me in, but I was clueless, and was fumbling along.  Had I had prior instruction before playing I may have stood a chance in winning, but no rules were explained, I just had to jump in and play, and often times ended up loosing.  Education!
    In the game of life, it's always beneficial to learn the rules and strategies before proceeding too far.  We were given a rule book to play by.  The Bible has even been called "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  Learn from the one who created the game.  He knows every move we can make and should make to win and He's eager to tell us how to play the game, because He wants us to win.  All we have to do, is read the instruction and listen to His voice, as He explains the next move to make.
     II Timothy 3:16-17 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, throughly equipped for every good work."   In II Timothy 2:15 is says, "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."      Lets dig into God's Word to find the right way to win at this game of life.    For it's His Word that lights up our path, and shows us where go.  Psalms 119:105   
  I think I’ll study on some chess rules and moves too before playing my grandson again.  It would be beneficial for both of us if I did.  He’d actually have an opponent then, and I might stand a chance winning. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Road Construction

   As I’ve been traveling across the country there’s been something that’s been common in all six states I’ve been through in my travels.  Road Construction.  Even though it’s fall, it’s still warm enough for the road crews to be finishing up that summer road construction projects.  They’re a pain to drive though, as you always have to reduce your speed, and it makes the trip longer.  Occasionally you hit a project that you have to sit and wait for a pilot car.  The clock ticks away as you work your way through the construction zone at a snails pace.  No one likes it, but we all know it’s necessary.  Roads get beat up and need repairing, especially in the upper Midwest.  Our weather is so extreme on every season, and it heaves and busts up roads.

    As I was driving through yet, another road construction zone a few days ago, trying carefully not to hit any cones with my motorhome, I got to thinking how road construction relates to our lives.  Every now in then, things need to be resurfaced, or a road made wider in our lives.  The Lord is the master at knowing which roads in our lives need attention and repair.  Sometimes our road need a total make over, sometimes just a resurfacing.  Sometimes, we’re going down the right road, and we need to continue on that road, but things have become rather bumpy, and rough.  There’s pot holes and missing pavement where our road has gotten beaten up.  But Jesus has a way of making the crooked way straight and the rough places smooth.  “Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth…” Isa. 40:4
    So even though you don’t like it any more than I do, enjoy the journey, even the road construction, knowing that the end result will be better.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Don’t forget the Bread


   I recently heard someone tell a story that rung true in my heart and life.

His wife had called and asked him to please stop and pick up a loaf of bread on his way home from work.  He said he’d be glad to.  Her last words before they hung up the phone was, “Don’t forget the bread.”  He chuckled, “Of course I won’t forget, that’s why I’m going to the store.”  On his way home from work, he swung by the grocery store, but soon found himself distracted  as to why he was there.  He saw some bananas, and thought that sounded good, pretty soon he found himself in the cookie isle, then the chips, and somehow wandered over to the frozen section and eyed some ice cream, that just sounded so good.  Soon his cart was filling up with all kinds of yummy sounding food, enough to comfort his soul and satisfy his hunger craving quickly.  He went through the checkout, and headed on home.  As he got home and set the grocery sacks on the kitchen counter, his wife took a peak, and said, “Did you remember the bread?”
  Oh no!  The main reason he went, he had neglected to do.  Other things got in his way and distracted him.  To quote the movie “Up” it was a “Squirrel!!” moment.
    Though this mans story was funny it was the relate-ability of it that hit home.  How many times do we set out with good intentions to do something, but get distracted by all the enticing things along the way, and then miss the main point all together. I fear I’m not alone in this trouble. I’m an easily distracted person. I often have to rein myself in, and say, “whoa!” Not what I’m suppose to be doing.
  Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35).  So don’t forget the bread!  He’s the main thing.  Life wants to distract you at every turn, but the bread is what you’re looking for.  Don’t forget the bread!! Focus on the important and the thing you really need. The bread. And that bread is Jesus!

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Remember Lots Wife

     One small verse with just three words. Luke 17:32 “Remember Lot’s wife!”  In my Bible the words are in red, which means, Jesus said them.  So if this is something Jesus said for us to remember, why is it I don’t ever remember hearing a sermon preached from this verse, or even really noticed it myself in my reading.
   Jesus said there’s something I want you to remember.  Remember Lot’s wife!  So what’s up with Lot’s wife, and why should we remember her?  Did she do something great for the kingdom of God, did her faith propel her into the Hall of Faith?  Did she face giants and defeat them?  Nope, none of those. Actually what she did was, she looked back.  And in looking back she died by turning into a pillar of salt, one of the most bizarre deaths recorded in the Bible. 
   She was living in a very evil place but rich in its worldly goods.  An angel had come to her and her husband Lot, and told them to flee Sodom, and not look back.  (Genesis 19:17) The angel even took them by the hand and rushed them out of the city, showing how eminent the danger was.  He warned that if they even looked back they would be consumed with the judgement that was going to consume Sodom and Gomorrah.
    “We need to look forward to our deliverance, not back at a world passing away and ripe for judgment.”  
    I’ve heard it said, if you drive looking in your rear view mirror you’ll wreck for sure.  Your future is in front of you, so quit looking back to what you use to have, or did, or the things you miss.  There’s a future ahead of you, not behind you.  Don’t crave and desire that sinful life you were living before Christ.  It’s a new life with Jesus that’s so much better than anything you had before.  So remember Lots wife and don’t look back!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


 This morning I was checking my emails, and became annoyed at all the junk email there was.  Do you get them too?  From different places you may have contacted in the past by ordering something, or checking their website, and now your email in-box is loaded with constant emails from them.  I’ve tried to keep up deleting those unwanted emails, but then keep piling up on me.  So I again started going down the list and unsubscribing.

    There are  other things in life that need to be unsubscribed to also.  How about negative thoughts, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, etc. the list could go on and on.  Things in life that just clutter up your mind and heart, and don’t let you get to the things that are really important.  The clutter makes finding those wanted personal emails, hard to find.  So even though I unsubscribe to emails every once in a while,  without careful diligence, unwanted emails can pile up.
         I love how the Amplified Bible says it in Hebrews 12:1, ““… let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,”
‭       All those little things that entangle us, like getting caught in a net or trap.  We unknowingly step in, and slowly but surely we get more and more tangled into the mess of the trap, till we can’t get out without careful and purposeful action.  The next verse in Hebrews 12 tells us just how to untangle and unsubscribe to this mess.  “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…”  Look to Jesus.  He can help you unsubscribe to those things that are weighing you down.  When we’re free of the clutter and extra weight it has caused in our lives, we can then run our race with freedom.
     So maybe today, take some time to clean out your email in-box, and unsubscribe to all that junk, and also start to click unsubscribe to a some unwanted junk in your heart.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Chasing Dust Bunnies

      I recently moved all my belongings into a storage unit, and emptied out my house.  As pieces of furniture were either removed because I sold them, or loading them into the moving truck, there always seemed to be those never ending dust bunnies underneath.  Some were so large, I had to call them 'dust buffalos' because a bunny just didn't seem to fit them.  Having a long haired cat has certainly added to the added dust collection.   Nobody likes them, but most everyone has them, a dust collection, unwanted, unseen till deep cleaning happens, or you move the furniture.  Dust bunnies don't hurt anything, just make you sneeze and are hard to sweep up, as they float around the floor.   They float around gaining extra particles of dust, and hair as they roll across the floor.

     Dust bunnies can be a lot like negative thoughts.  They start out small, and almost unoticed, but start to pick up more dirt around them, till they start to take form and become a real nuisance in ones life.  As the dust bunnies in our mind collect more dirt, they start to take on form, often of something that really was never there.  We imagine the worst.  Negative thoughts  attract more negative things.  It takes real effort to change them, just like it takes moving the couch to find them underneath.  That’s why in Philippians 4:6 says to think on things that are true, noble, just, pure and lovely and a good report.  We have to purposefully think on those things.   But if we will actually change our thinking, we’re promised that the God of peace will be with us.  
   “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:8-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Growing a Goldfish


   One of the interesting things I learned from having goldfish, is their ability to grow.  Their growth can actually be hindered by their environment.  If they remain in a small fish bowl, they will never grow any larger, put them into a larger tank or pond, they will grow to meet their surroundings.  We’re no different.  Your environment can limit your growth.  If you never experience different surroundings, you think life can and is, only what you have always known.  You stay the same, and always do everything the same.

    In my many years as a homeschooling Mom, one of my requirements for graduation was they had to go on a mission trip to another country.  They had to experience life beyond the plains of the Midwest.  Each of my kids went and the experiences were life changing in so many ways.  They learned life’s wasn’t all about them.  They grew in ways that our current home status could never offer.  They learned life is always learning, always growing.
  Jesus taught the same thing when He said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark16:15.  Go, reach out in life beyond your borders of your home.  Share with others, give of yourself.  It will be a blessing to others, and cause you to grow.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Lessons from a Goldfish

 My backyard pond has been a really fun place to raise a few goldfish.  I’ve never had goldfish before in my life, so learning how to care for them was a small learning curve for me.

     One thing I learned was; raising goldfish in an outdoor pond can be fresh fast food for the stray cats in the neighborhood.  I started out with 30 small goldfish, and within days was down to five.  Some fishing happy kitties had their fill of fish filet, and were enjoying this fresh entree.   I learned in order for my little gold fish to survive, I was going to have to protect them.  Although it spoiled the beauty of the pond, I installed a net over the pond to keep the roaming fishing kitties out.  This reminds me of how God spreads His net of protection over us, when we come into His pond to live.  Psalms 91:1 MSG says, “You who sit down in the High God’s presence, spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow, Say this: “God, you’re my refuge. I trust in you and I’m safe!” That’s right—he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you’re perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm…”  God’s divine protection has saved my life many of times from lurking evil that was seeking to destroy me.  Coming under God’s love and protection is a pond worth living in!

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Runway on My Roof


Runway on My Roof

 As I begin, and am adapting to living in a motorhome full time, I’ve experienced a few interesting things that aren’t normal to living in a stick built house.    This morning, as I sat at my table finishing up my breakfast and coffee, I suddenly heard clicky footsteps, or maybe I should say ‘claw steps.’  Some bird was using my roof as a runway.  Prepare for take off, right after landing.  It all made me chuckle.

    I’ve also had a serious conversation with a crow, who was perched on the roof of the building next to me.  He was ‘caw cawin’’ away, and I started to answer him.  He looked around, as if to see where I was, and who was talking to him, and then he ‘caw’d’ back.  Back and forth we talked.  I guess I can speak Crow, I’m bilingual.  Of course speaking Crow is way better than eating crow.
  Just like the unidentified bird who used my roof as a run way, I’m on a journey, and often have to touch down for a landing, to find the next direction.  I want a clear and straight runway, so I don’t trip up.  Sometimes the road can have lots of twists and turns, and for me, who often gets motion sickness, too many curves makes me loose my lunch.  Too many turns can make it easy for the enemy to trip us up and conquer us.  Psalms 6:7 tPt says; “My eyes of faith won’t focus anymore, for sorrow fills my heart. There are so many enemies who come against me!” We loose our focus easily when too many things are hitting us from every direction.
  An encouraging verse in Psalms 5:8 tPt, wonderfully says: “Yahweh, lead me in the pathways of your pleasure just like you promised me you would, or else my enemies will conquer me. Smooth out your road in front of me, straight and level so that I will know where to walk.”  
God in his loving mercy comes in and shows us the straight path, and the right road to choose. 
May your journey of life find that straight and level pathway. Enjoy the journey as you walk with God.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Setting Out on a Coddiwomple Adventure

 Setting out on a Coddiwomple Adventure

The Great Adventure       

By Stephen Curtis Chapman

“Saddle up your horses

We’ve got a trail to blaze

Through the wild blue yonder of God’s Amazing Grace

Let’s follow our leader in the glorious unknown

This is the life like no other whoa

This is the Great Adventure”

     This song has been one of my all time favorites for years, and in fact it’s been the ring tone on my phone for over 10 years.  I’ve sung it, I’ve listened to it, but most of all I’ve lived it, and I am now off on another adventure.  But what is an adventure?  According to the dictionary an adventure is: An exciting or very unusual experience, a bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain outcome.   I’m setting out in a Coddiwomple way; which means to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.  That’s what is happening in my life right now. I’m going to begin to travel with purpose but the destination is vague right now.

     Recently I made the decision to leave Kenmare and Alive Christian Fellowship as the pastor.  Now what to do?  I just feel it’s time to for me to do something different and take a new direction in ministry.  I’ve loved pastoring Alive Christian Fellowship and will miss the people very much.  I’ve been here in Kenmare at Alive CF almost seven years.  It’s been quite the ride.  There’s been some highs and some lows, but God has been with me through it all.

     At the time of this writing, my plan is to sell my house here, and then find a motorhome and travel wherever the Lord leads.  I’m available to come preach, sing, do my comedy act, or just help out wherever.  Just like Jesus told Mary at the resurrection, “go and tell…” (Matt 28:10)  I feel compelled to go and tell the good news.  And like Jesus said of himself in Luke 4:43 “I must preach the good news, the Gospel, of the kingdom of God to the other cities and towns also, for I was sent for this purpose…”  I know I’m not Jesus, but I am part of His body.  He declared the purpose of His body, and now I get to do my assignment to complete that purpose. 

  For a season my assignment was here in Kenmare, sharing the Gospel with those in this area.  I gave it my all and poured my heart into it with everything I had.  But now that assignment is over. It’s time to take the next step, no matter how shaky and uncertain it seems, I go out following my Shepherds voice.  Like all things, this traveling about will be just for a season, although I don’t know yet the length of this season.   I do want to eventually have a ‘home base’ and a home/house to live in again.  

    I’m also working on completing my first book, “He Walked with Me Through.”  The story of walking through trauma, grief, and loss.  The book is in rough draft, but I’m hoping to have it published by the end of this year. 

    I’ve updated my blog site.  The web address is still: but the emphasis is more on Unfolding Grace Ministry now.  I will be trying to post updates on where I am and what I’m doing on the blog.  I’ve even attached a way you can partner up and come along side me in the way of giving.  It’s not just money, I covet your prayers as I step out in this adventure.  Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

    I want to say a big thank you to all who supported me and came along side me in this past year.  It was a long hard road of recovery following surgery, but things are looking so much better.  My year checkup appointment with Mayo went well.  Although the little bit of the tumor that they could not remove is still there, it has not grown or changed.  The doctor called it ‘stable’, I call it, “It must go, in Jesus name!”   The last check up on my eyes was positive too.  They no longer feel I will loose my eye sight!  That is a big Praise the Lord!  

   Until next time, may God’s grace (His divine influence in your life) continue to guide you.  I’ll keep you posted occasionally on how His grace is influencing me.

In His Unfolding Grace

 Kelley Reuer

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Glue or Gold

Image taken from Internet.

    I read an article recently about Kintsugi.  I had never heard of it before reading this article.  It is a Japanese form or art, where they take cracked and broken pottery or glass, and ‘fix it’ with gold.  Instead of trying to hide the crack caused by brokenness, they enhance it with beautiful gold and also increase its value.  The pictures I saw of these pieces of pottery were just beautiful.  Here in our western culture we try to hide the cracks, and try to make a repaired or restored piece look like it did before, or as good as new.  But it’s not.  It’s gone through a breaking, and needs a restoration.  It has a history, and a new story needs to be told of it new restored beauty, it actually can be better than before, and more valuable when restored with the gold.
   God can also take our broken cracked lives, and repair it with his gold.  I love how the Passion translation renders 1 Peter 5:10 ““And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up.”
  We all go through some kind of suffering in life, some caused by circumstance beyond our control, some by self infliction.  But no matter how it’s come, God’s grace (His divine influence in your life) can restore that suffering and brokenness and make it better than new.  Let His grace become the gold that puts you back together, a new piece with greater value, because you’ve let that which is broken become something of beauty.

Monday, February 14, 2022

She Believed Retreat 2020


Here's our group shot from the She Believed Retreat in 2020
What a wonderful day it was.
Brandi Waples was our guest speaker

Do It Again

    Do it again!  Again!

How many of us have had a small child say that to us.  Read it again, play with me, again, push me on the swing again… Just do it again.
  We’ve done it before, we can do it again.  But often repetition becomes boredom.  What once was exciting, is now drool.  I’m doing this again?  What about those unpleasant things?  Again, and again they crop up in our lives.  Housework, dishes, laundry… do it again.  It’s not over, it’s never done. Do it again.  This is life.
   But what about the good things?  When love blossomed into romance, and you fell head over heels for your guy.  But now you look at this dirty socks on the bedroom floor, inches from the laundry basket but not inside it.  You begin to wonder what you ever saw in this messy man.  Do it again!  See what you first saw in him, do it again, love.
   The excitement when you first met the Lord.  You couldn’t wait to get to church or a Bible Study group.  It was all so uplifting, so life giving.  But somewhere along the line, it got boring.  The Word didn’t change, you did.  You quit seeing it for what it was, a life line, and began seeing it as a duty, a chore.  So now do it again!  Go back to your first love, and hang out with Jesus a little bit more.  Now it will be even sweeter, because now you’ve grown, and can love Him more maturely.
   Pray again!  Praise again!  Give again!  Love again!
  For all the agains in life… do it again!  It can be actually new and refreshing like the very first time.  Do it again!
James 5: 17-18
Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. Then he prayed again, and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

A Sunday's Widows Woes

  One of the hardest days of the week for me as a widow has been Sunday.  Now, I love the beginning of the day, when I get the opportunity to gather with other believers and worship Jesus.  It’s what happens after church that I never like.  I go home to an empty house, and most often spend the afternoon alone.  Now, in reality, it’s no different than any other day of the week, when I’m all alone.  But the loneliness on Sunday seems lonelier. If that that’s really possible.  Maybe it’s the memories of spending Sunday afternoons and evenings with the kids and hubby, that make it worse.  

     I often call my kids to see how their week has been, which probably drives them nuts.  I really am interested in their lives, and want to know how they’ve been, and what wonderful happening are going on in their lives.  But sometimes the call is just loneliness on my part, and I want to hear another voice.  Their lives on the other hand are anything but lonely, as they are busy with their own families and jobs.  

   Sometimes I try to fill my Sunday afternoon and evening with a ‘project’ of some kind, or some activity.  But well too often for me, it’s done alone again.  Kayaking, hiking, a yard project, some art endeavor, cleaning (that’s when I run out of fun stuff to do). 
    It’s hard sometimes, but important to do, and that’s put the Word of God into action.  “This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Is true and needs to be acted on, even if you’re lonely and all alone.  Notice, it does say to rejoice in it.  Rejoice in what?  Rejoice in the day.  Even if it’s a lonely Sunday afternoon.  Rejoice!  Not for the loneliness, but rejoice that you have this day to be alive, and a loving Lord to be there with you.  Joy is not happiness.  Joy is something way deeper.  It’s something that within you because of Jesus, not your circumstances around you.  So even in the worst of days, you can still rejoice.  Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, “Rejoice!” 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

So What is Unfolding Grace Ministry?


Unfolding Grace Ministry aka Kelley Reuer

Whether pastoring Alive Christian Fellowship, leading worship, hosting a Women's Retreat, preforming comedy skits and songs, or ministering to widows, writing or being a freelance photographer, Kelley does it with all her heart.  She's learned God is always walking with her through all stages and happenings in life, whether good or bad.  This blog is to share some of that journey with you.  

When Jesus Failed an Algebra Problem

     I remember those days of Algebra class in High School, with those awful word problems.  I was never good at them, I know they were suppose to be preparing me for real life scenarios  but I struggled to ever get them right.  I think Jesus did too.  He was presented this problem.  Five thousand men, plus women and children are hungry and have no food.  All that is available to feed them is five loaves of bread and two fish.  How many people can be fed? (Story found in Matthew14:15-21)

    Well, if you stretched it out maybe a handful could get a fish sandwich, and a few people could just have a slice of bread.  But Jesus takes it and gives thanks for it, and then breaks it.  He broke more than the bread.  He broke mathematical logic and patterns. His answer was; five loaves and two fish can feed five thousand men plus the women and children (lets say a few thousand more) plus have leftovers of twelve baskets full.    On the Algebra test, he would have gotten it wrong, but in real life, he got it right.  God is always the God of enough and extra.  In 
II Corinthians 9:8 (CEV) it says, "God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others." 
    The test giver must have felt Jesus needed a second try at this mathematical problem, because a short time later (Matthew 15:32-39) a little bit smaller crowd needed to be fed. This time there was four thousand men plus the women and children and they had a little bit more food to serve.  They had seven loaves of bread a few fish.  How many can it feed?  Again Jesus broke the rules, and it fed everyone, and all were satisfied and had their fill.  I've known a few people in life, that it takes more than a small piece of bread to have their appetite satisfied.  I'm sure there was a few in this crowd.  But they  were all satisfied, they all had enough, and they even had seven large baskets full of left overs.
  God is not El Cheapo, or El Stingy.  He is the God that is more than enough, in Hebrew  El Shaddai.  He's the God of enough and extra.  

Monday, January 31, 2022

So How Was Your Day

 “So how was your day?” Is a common question asked between spouses  as they gather back home, after their day of work, and living.    The real communicative types give you the complete run down, minute by minute of the day, well others reply with a ‘fine.’   

    But for the widow living alone, she no longer has anyone to ask, ‘so how was your day?’  She longs to connect with someone, some living breathing body, just so she can tell them about her day. Nothing earth shattering, she might only tell them about the routine things she did through out the day.  But she still longs to tell.  Why?  Because she misses belonging, she misses being reassured that what she does is important to someone else.  
    She reaches for the phone and calls a friend, or maybe one of the kids, who just kind of like roll their eyes at her trivial chatter on the other end.  Nothing earth moving, just, she went to the store, she did laundry, etc, but what she’s really saying is, “I’m still living.  I’m still here, tell me I’m significant to you.”  She’s lost the one that made her feel special, important, one of a kind.   She’s wanting to still belong.
    Is she wrong in these feelings?  No.  We’re all made to belong and be part of each other’s lives.  She had that, and now it’s gone, and she struggles to know how to adjust.    
   So reach out to the widows around you, even if they’ve been a widow for a long time, as well as those who just became one.  They need to know they’re still valuable, even though their spouse is gone.  They search for significance , and are traveling down a road they’ve never been on before.  It’s a really tough, lonely road too.  So be kind.  And if you’re married, and your spouse asks you how was your day, be grateful you have someone that’s asking.  You’re both important.