Saturday, April 30, 2011

And Philip Ran...

Acts 8:30
"And Philip ran..."
A couple of years ago, I found out another meaning of the name Philip in the Greek. It means, "One who runs as swift as a horse." Well, I guess we named him right then, he can and does run very swiftly.
These are a couple of pictures from yesterdays track meet at Jamestown College. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Finally a Track Meet

There was finally a track meet yesterday for Kristi to attend. The weather was perfect. They had a really good turn out of schools that participated, and Kristi said she really had fun.  This was her first time to run hurdles. She's only gotten one day of practice in for hurdles, as it's been to cold and wet to run out side.  She still has a long ways to go on form, but not bad for her first try. Don't know what she got over all, but she got third, I think, in her heat.
 Kristi flying over the hurdles
 Love that smile on her face
Kristi running anchor for the 4x1 team, trying to make up for lost time.
I believe this was the 100 meter. Her coach is the man in the blue shirt on the right.
Kristi is one of the few kids that really LOVES to run. She did not get that from me. But her dad can sure run. Got that Reuer Speed.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Climbing Jay's Hill on Easter Sunday

 Starting up the first hill.  Thought this was Jay's till I got to the top, and saw it was the next hill over and much steeper. Keep climbing!
 True sign of Spring!! Crocus.  Was so excited to see them. Was wishing I had a macro lens too.
 Oh look a tree!!  The one lone tree, just had to take a picture of it.
 Climbing Jay's Hill. Kristi is the one up on top. Todd was already up there too, but out of view of the camera.  Amanda, Philip, and Wes taking a break mid way. Wes had just had knee surgery 3 weeks ago, so the rest was well warranted.  Trissa is the one closest to the bottom. I of course was WAY behind, but then again, I was lugging 6 pounds of camera with me too. 
 Trissa holding a snail (seashell) shell found on top of the hill. Finding shells on top the hill is always the high point of climbing Jay's Hill. 
 The Shaw Homestead!
 Ya did it Trissa!!! Yahoo!  And I love the crocus tucked behind your ear! Showing off spring, I love it!
 my handsome husband Todd.
 Kristi showing the shells she found.  
 Amanda checking out something in the dirt. Had to watch out, cause bird droppings looked a lot like sea shells. LOL
 My beautiful cousin Trissa and daughter Amanda on top of Jay's Hill
The younger generation on top the hill. You have to watch out where you sit down, lots of prickly pear cactus too.  From left to right: Wes Lowe (Phil's friend from VCSU), Philip, Amanda, and Kristi. What a good looking bunch of kids! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More Easter Sunday Pictures

 Chasing bubbles
 Uh oh! the bubble popped!! Love that surprised look.
 Run True Run! 
 Kristi giving her best pitch
 Cousin Amanda, you must keep your eye on the ball!
 Phil's friend Wes, digging the ball out of the water in the ditch. opps!
 We gave True a dandelion to hold, and like every little kid, it went straight into her mouth. 
 Hello! Anybody home?!
True's two Grandma's. Edie and Honey. Of course Honey is my mom, and Edie my brother's mother-in-law.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Running Free

My sweet little niece True was just delighted to be outside on Easter Sunday and run. Since she had just learned to walk last fall before the snow came, this was her first time to be outside and run around.  Her mom said she hated the snow, and I can't really blame her. I did too.  Well, I chased her around the yard for some time with the camera and got some adorable shots of a very adorable little girl. This is one of my favorites. Her whole expression is saying "I like this. Spring is really fun!!"
I'll post more of our Easter pictures later, but just had to get this one up to share now.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

All that's left of the snowman

Last week a posted a photo of my "Odd Couple" Mr. and Mrs. Snowman. What noone seemed to notice was that it really was only one snow man, redressed twice and photoshopped together to make them look like a nice couple (We were too cold and lazy to make two snowmen). Well, today I post all that is left of the snowman. The racket, 3 rocks, and a carrot.
 Hallelujah!! It's warming up!
 Ok, I know, it's a really stupid picture, but it's so exciting to see all the snow melting after 7 months of solid white and snow. You can even see a little green trying to peak through. It's still not overly warm, but it is improving. :-)

A man of many hats

Often humor goes a long way in keeping a good attitude in life. Todd likes to help me on the way with  his silly ways. Here are a couple of funny shots of him and his "hat(s)". Maybe I should have titled it 
Mr. Odd?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Something other than snow

Just wanted to post a couple of pictures of last summer, to remind us all what's coming up soon. 
Ahh summer!!

Now didn't that brighten your day?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Time In ND

There's more white fluffy frozen particles of moisture falling from the sky (trying to avoid using a four letter word here) this morning, but we're all still hopeful that Spring will come and stay. Here's a couple of pictures I shot this weekend. Hopefully soon I can post pictures of green grass and flowers blooming, isn't that a nice thought?
 Wondering if this fat little Robin is confused about why it returned so early? Where's the grass and worms?
 On the way into Napoleon. The White little barn on the left has been surrounded by water since we moved here, but not quite this high. The other building are usually useable, but not at the moment. 
 West Lake by Napoleon. Water usually not on this side of those trees. Our flooding is minimal. My heart goes out to the eastern part of the state and all that happening there.
Who needs a white backdrop for a "High Key" shot, when you have a this much snow?  Even though the lighting would be wrong for a High Key shot, I'm calling this my ND Snow High Key.  :-) Quito was sinking in pretty deep. I kept wanting to get a shot of him up to his belly in the snow, but as soon as I'd put the camera up to my eye, he'd lie down.  Just haven't been able to get him to "pose" the way I want him. LOL

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Odd Couple

Even Mr and Mrs Snowman are wanting summer. Just having a little fun. Hope you like it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

View out the window on April 15

Woke up this morning to over 6 inches of wet snow. Not what I wanted to see on this "Taxing" day of April 15.  I think Spring is playing hide and seek. It's hiding the ground again, and I have to seek peace in knowing that winter will loose this game, and spring will win!

And yes, it's still snowing.  I shot these through the window again, cause I'm just too lazy to go outside in the this cold and shoot pictures. :-)
Come on Spring, I'm pulling for you, you can win this battle!!
This is all fresh snow, as yesterday this was all grass showing.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Those that know Kristi know a book is always in her hand. Yesterday I got a new light meter and had another photography crazy friend over and we were playing with it (big girl toys) and trying to figure out how to use all the different functions.  We asked Kristi to come be our "model". So book in hand she sat for us, while we snapped away, adjusted by my new light meter. I really like this one. Pretty much straight out of the camera no adjustments, other than removing a few "blemishes." I'm liking this new meter!
You may notice that Kristi has also become a "Star Trek" fan. Oh my!! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Time in ND

 Kristi just had to get the hammock out today after track practice.  Might have been a little cool, she didn't stay out long. 
 Winter was a little hard on my flower pots and flower bed. Don't think they saw it when they were plowing snow. 
 Down, but not totally gone yet. (taken April 11, 2011)
A lake is appearing in the pasture south of the house. Good watering hole for the cattle I guess.

Trip to MInnesota

I thought I post some family pictures from our trip to Minnesota last week. Nothing photographically great, but just family fun.
 Phil's reaction when he found out that Krista had pulled one really good April's Fool Joke on him!
 Philip and his girlfriend Krista
 Philip and room mate DJ. Or is it Chocolate and Vanilla.
 Our sweet little Sarah cooking up a mess of pancakes for our brunch. I love that little baby bump too!
 Tyson and Sarah outside their apartment (with Lu Lu Beans in the background). Come out to say good bye. Thanks kids for a great time. We loved seeing you!!
 The river rising in Valley City.
 Todd and Kristi looking at the river on the footbridge by Valley City State University.
 I got a kick out of this sundial on the Campus of VCSU. Especially since it was a cloudy day when we were there, and it cast no shadow. So according to this sundial, we didn't have to count those hours.
It says "I count none but sunny hours"
 Philip practicing some sprints at practice at VCSU.
 Kind of liked this view of the hurdles and scoreboard in the background.


 "Well, Coach I was thinking I could just skip all this hard work and..."
"Phil, that's 10 more laps for you and make it snappy!" 
Phil, "Bummer."
Sorry Phil- Just thought these two pictures were hilarious. 
Really shouldn't allow your mom to have a camera sometimes!!