Monday, January 6, 2020

2020 Vision

   Wow, we’re in the year 2020!  The very number to me, lends itself to the phrase, 2020 Vision.  We want to see clearly, and perfectly.  2020 vision is what eye doctors call “normal” vision for a human.  How we see things really alters how we ‘view’ things in life too.  In Luke 11:34, it says, “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when you eye is good, you whole body also is fun of light. But when you eye is bad, you body also is full of darkness.”  So it’s important what we see.  In the natural many of us, myself included, need corrective lens to see things clearly.   I remember when my oldest son got his first pair of glasses, he was so in awe, that trees had individual leaves, and he could see them.  Before the glasses, everything was just a blurry green mass to him. The world around him became so sharp and clear.  So with us in life, sometimes we need corrective lens to make things sharp and clear.  The only true corrective lens of life, is the Word of God.  It brings everything into clarity.  We begin to see things like God sees it, and that is with perfect 2020 vision.  
   In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul prayed “that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you…”  (Eph. 1:18)  We need to make this our prayer this year, that the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened.  Start each day by opening up the Word of God and letting His words correct your view of life.  His ways are perfect and oh so clear when we follow them.  May 2020 truly be a year of 2020 vision.