Saturday, November 11, 2023

Cat Scan

Grace looking a little bit grumpy, but trying to blend in with all my black and white.

 I've had a few CatScans in my life, but to tell the truth, they all happened when I was unconscious while at the Mayo.  I do remember briefly waking up, and asking what was going on, and some nurse told me they were taking me to have a CatScan before they started surgery.  I remember asking what that was, and then everything went out again for me, and I didn't wake up for another three days.  Not because of the CatScan, though.  I know I had multiple scans while I was there because I was charged for them, but I don't remember any of them.
  But there are a few CatScans I do remember. They were administered by my cat Grace. Several times in the last year, while laying in bed, she has jumped up on my bed and then gone to a specific place on my body and started her little 'massage.' You know how cats do that. What's been interesting is that every time she has done this, within a few minutes or hours, that area of my body has had challenging issues. Twice this has happened, I discovered later that I had a severe UTI. She also did this the morning, I ended up in an ambulance ride and spent several hours in the ER when my heart rate dropped below 40, and my Oxygen levels tanked. 
She's done it to my shoulder when a prior injury reoccurred, and later that day, the pain was almost unbearable. 
Last night, she did it again. At 4 AM, she started at my feet, walked up my body till she hit my stomach, and started her little paw massage. Sure enough, as I began to wake up, I realized my stomach was upset, and the acid was coming up my throat. Once I got up to handle the situation, she left my room for another spot to sleep.
How does this animal know when something is wrong? She truly is my 'CatScan.' God put something in animals that knows. I don't know how they know, but I'm thankful for my little alarm kitty that tries to warn me that something is wrong.