Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Dancing Alone


 The woman was smiling as she watched their first dance. That little little girl she’d raised now gracefully gliding across the floor with her smiling young groom.  The first time they met was on the dance floor at mutual friends wedding.  Her, a lovely bridesmaid, him the DJ of the dance.  His eyes saw her across the room, and thought how pretty she looked, and wondered what she was like.  After a few songs, he started the next song on the play list, then went across the room and asked her to dance.  In the days and months that followed, the dance carried on, until he found himself on his knee with a ring in his hand to ask this young lady if they could continue to dance together for the rest of the their lives.  She in her beautiful smile said yes, and as it’s said, the rest is history.

  But today, they danced together again but now as husband and wife.  The woman stood smiling, with a happy tear glistening in her eye.  This was the little girl she had many years ago desperately prayed to have. Now she’s all grown up.  The DJ now invited everyone else to join them on the floor as they celebrated together how God had brought them together.
    She then saw her two sons grab their wives hands with smiles on their faces and begin to glide across the floor to join in their sister‘s celebration.  They had moments earlier taken their sister’s arms and walked her down the aisle, for her Daddy was no longer here to walk with her.  Other friends and relatives joined in with smiles on their faces as they spined and glided across the dance floor.  This was a time to celebrate.  No one noticed the mom standing slilent on the side, with one eye a tear of gladness and the other eye a tear of saddness, for her arms were empty, and noone to dance with her today.  She even quickly glanced around the room for her little grandson thinking maybe she could intice him for a dance on the floor, but she never found where he was, most likely off playing with a new wedding friend some six year old game of action and fun.  So the woman just watched on in silence, with mixed emotions of joy and loss all rolled into one.  No one knowing the pain a widow feels in those moments of great joy for everyone present.  Joy and pain all mixed into one, sorrow and celebration, opposites but related.  Trying to naviagate a dance all on her own, it a world of swirling couples.  Her dance no longer found in the arms of her best friend, was only in her memory and heart.