Monday, April 15, 2013

A Taxing Snow fall

On April 14, 2013 Mandan had a record falling snow fall.  I think it's about 18" although the weather men say a little less I think, but how can you measure when the wind was blowing?
Here's a couple of shots I took this morning April 15, 2013

More snow than we had all winter.
Fluffy looked a little perplexed at the depth of the snow. Like how do I get through this?

 Quito came over and looks like he's giving some instruction for deep snow walking to Fluffy.
 Fluffy gave up. Back to the garage. Which way to go?

 He had to take a flying leap to keep in the tracks of the tractor.
Mom's barrel flower pots are almost buried.  When I walked through the yard, it was up to my knees. Where is our spring?  But thankful for the moisture.