Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Stretching and Learning- Cows and Christmas

Recently I was asked to do some photography that really stretched me. They aren't areas where I know much about.  The first was photographing a Livestock Auction Barn and the Second a Home that was on the Holiday Home Walk for the Symphony.  I'm not sure I did a great job on either one, but I tried my hardest, and I guess that's all I can do.

Napoleon Livestock Sale Barn

 Of course what I find the most interesting is the people at the barn.

I also went out to Bitz's Feed Lot for a few pictures

 Lined up to eat. 

Holiday Home Walk

 Their home has this adorable storage shed built like a gingerbread house. Talk about cute!!
 The home was also showcasing a local artist's paintings.  They were just as awesome as the home decorations.

 Different stores help sponsor and decorate the home. 
 Loved this violin hanging above their door.  
 Loved this fountain, and how the purple lights reflected in the water.

Both shoots were a challenge, but also a lot of fun.  I know I have a lot to learn, but this is one way I can learn. 

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