Starting up the first hill. Thought this was Jay's till I got to the top, and saw it was the next hill over and much steeper. Keep climbing!
True sign of Spring!! Crocus. Was so excited to see them. Was wishing I had a macro lens too.
Oh look a tree!! The one lone tree, just had to take a picture of it.
Climbing Jay's Hill. Kristi is the one up on top. Todd was already up there too, but out of view of the camera. Amanda, Philip, and Wes taking a break mid way. Wes had just had knee surgery 3 weeks ago, so the rest was well warranted. Trissa is the one closest to the bottom. I of course was WAY behind, but then again, I was lugging 6 pounds of camera with me too.
Trissa holding a snail (seashell) shell found on top of the hill. Finding shells on top the hill is always the high point of climbing Jay's Hill.
The Shaw Homestead!
Ya did it Trissa!!! Yahoo! And I love the crocus tucked behind your ear! Showing off spring, I love it!
my handsome husband Todd.
Kristi showing the shells she found.
Amanda checking out something in the dirt. Had to watch out, cause bird droppings looked a lot like sea shells. LOL
My beautiful cousin Trissa and daughter Amanda on top of Jay's Hill
The younger generation on top the hill. You have to watch out where you sit down, lots of prickly pear cactus too. From left to right: Wes Lowe (Phil's friend from VCSU), Philip, Amanda, and Kristi. What a good looking bunch of kids!