Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brookings Ministers Meeting

Several weeks ago, we made a trip to Rapid City to watch Philip play football, on the way home, we took a detour to Brookings and attended a ministers meeting. We met up with some "old" friends (not in age of course, but just we've known them for 30 some years).  It was so fun to get to meet up with those you have "history" with.
 Rich and Marilyn Apfel, our long time friends and missionaries to Mexico.  20 years ago, we took a mission trip into Mexico with them, it truly was a life changing experience for us. Love you guys lots!
 Jun and Tina Isaguire from the Philippines.  When we went on our mission trip in 1989 to South East Asia we spent 10 day in the Philippines ministering at their Bible School. They are dear, sweet people, with wonderful heart for God and their nation.  We even got to sing a couple of songs in the Filipino dialect with them that I could remember.
Ann Rowe, this is one precious woman of God. Sorry I caught you in the middle of a sentence here Ann.  This woman knows how to reach heaven in prayer.  I owe my life to her because of it too.  While pregnant with Kristi, she had felt led to pray for me that there would be no problems with my physical heart.  What I never told her, till this day we met a few weeks ago, was that I had a very vivid dream of going into cardiac arrest during delivery.  She didn't know that when she prayed.  Then about an hour after delivery, one of the nurses, was checking my vitals again, and said, "oh, finally!"  I asked what she meant, and she said, "we almost lost you in delivery.  The doctor was afraid you were going into cardiac arrest, finally now your vitals are back to normal."  I thank God for Ann and that she was sensitive to God and prayed ahead of time, and God answered, and I'm still here!
Here's all us "Oldies" as Ann called us. Together fellowshipping in God's love!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Anointed Angel Wings

Sometimes photography is just too much fun!!! Kristi and I got to playing tonight with some LED flashlights, and this is what I came up with. She truly is my angel by the way.  
She even was good natured about putting on an old prom dress (from the 80's) for the picture. The kitty just  had to get in the picture too. Notice, no angel wings on him though. :-)
Hopefully can get some more light writing pictures done soon. It's just so fun.
(her crooked wing is not her fault, that was my doing. LOL)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Senior- Ryan

Had a fun time last week shooting Ryan's Senior Pictures. Even got in a little "Mylo" entertainment as I sang to Ryan and his mom, "I milk the cows before I go to school..." Thanks Ryan and Steph for putting up with all my craziness while I was shooting. 

 The above photo is one of my favorites. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Booth Wedding

Back in July I again got to be a second shooter for Yetter Photography.  It was a fun hot day, and a beautiful outdoor wedding.  I'm finally getting around to posting a few of my favorites that I shot that day. Thank you Ken for letting me post a few.

 This little flower girl was so cute. She was taking her job of holding the brides flower very seriously too.

 Ken asked the girls to give him a little 'attitude' I think the flower girl got it pretty good here!

 It didn't take much for the groom to want to do just a fun picture. Actually, this was suppose to be a really serious shot, but as you can see, it didn't turn out that way.

 This is not a photo of the official photographer!! But I still like it. Use your phone camera if you don't have anything else.
 This cute little girl was the "bubbles" girl.  I'm so glad that part of my job is getting to photograph the kids. I love that part!!
 Ok, this picture above has no great photographic merit, but I've never seen wedding toilet paper before, and just thought it was too funny, just had to get a picture of it.
 Ok, Ken, don't be mad at me for posting this picture. Ken, is a fantastic photographer, and often goes to great lengths to get a good shot. Here was his hiding spot during the wedding ceremony. Actually I'm just jealous cause he had a better bush to hide in than I did. 

 The kids always enjoy the bubbles. I do too!
 The mother of the bride was just too fun. Everyone (I mean everyone) at the wedding was given a apron to wear so they wouldn't spoil their clothes with the spaghetti meal. Only the wedding party had them embroidered though.
 Too much wedding for this little one. (Did I tell you I really like doing candid pictures?)
 Ok, this little flower girl was just too cute, what can I say. I see a cute kid, and I have to take a picture.

They had a bouncy house set up for the little children to play in during the reception. I stuck my head in the door (not an easy job to do either, as the whole thing was moving with every bounce) and captured the joy on this little ones face. Just too cute!!