Several weeks ago, we made a trip to Rapid City to watch Philip play football, on the way home, we took a detour to Brookings and attended a ministers meeting. We met up with some "old" friends (not in age of course, but just we've known them for 30 some years). It was so fun to get to meet up with those you have "history" with.
Rich and Marilyn Apfel, our long time friends and missionaries to Mexico. 20 years ago, we took a mission trip into Mexico with them, it truly was a life changing experience for us. Love you guys lots!
Jun and Tina Isaguire from the Philippines. When we went on our mission trip in 1989 to South East Asia we spent 10 day in the Philippines ministering at their Bible School. They are dear, sweet people, with wonderful heart for God and their nation. We even got to sing a couple of songs in the Filipino dialect with them that I could remember.
Ann Rowe, this is one precious woman of God. Sorry I caught you in the middle of a sentence here Ann. This woman knows how to reach heaven in prayer. I owe my life to her because of it too. While pregnant with Kristi, she had felt led to pray for me that there would be no problems with my physical heart. What I never told her, till this day we met a few weeks ago, was that I had a very vivid dream of going into cardiac arrest during delivery. She didn't know that when she prayed. Then about an hour after delivery, one of the nurses, was checking my vitals again, and said, "oh, finally!" I asked what she meant, and she said, "we almost lost you in delivery. The doctor was afraid you were going into cardiac arrest, finally now your vitals are back to normal." I thank God for Ann and that she was sensitive to God and prayed ahead of time, and God answered, and I'm still here!
Here's all us "Oldies" as Ann called us. Together fellowshipping in God's love!