Sunday, May 6, 2012

Big Moon this morning

Got up at 6 am this morning, and saw the big moon, the clouds were hiding it last night.
I guess the moon is the closest to the earth in it's rotation and it was a full moon too. 
So here's my shot at "shooting the moon."
I really didn't think it looked any bigger than normal, but what do I know.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hair Today Gone Today

Here's a series of pictures of Kristi cutting her hair off to donate to Locks of Love.
This is her second time donating to Locks of Love. She donated three years ago too.
Here's Kristi and her hair.

Kristi went to Euphoria Hair Studio, with Lotus Stroud to have it cut off and styled. 
Thanks Lotus!

Tying off the pony tail.

You need at least 10" to donate to Locks of Love. Kristi's lock measured 12".

Going, going,....


Hair today, gone today.
Kristi and the "new" look.

Lotus and Kristi holding her "Locks of Love."

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shanghai Shuffle- Home School Teen Dinner

Last night Kristi attended the "Shanghai Shuffle" a Home School Teen Formal Dinner.  She met some new people and had fun eating Chinese food.  I of course had to go and take a few pictures, cause MY DAUGHTER WORE A DRESS!!! Ok, she had to borrow it, but man she looked good in it! (course she looks good in anything, even her mismatched colored outfits she often wears).
Andrea Hanson wanted to do her hair, and I think it turned out really cute.
 Kristi and Andrea before the "hair do" time.  Kristi's dress she's wearing is one borrowed from Andrea.

 Andrea comes up with very cool long hair hair do's.  Very creative Andrea!

 Andrea, Mariah, and Kristi. Sorry Mariah, I have a way of catching people in awkward
expressions. LOL
 They had the gym/sanctuary decorated really cute. Looked better in the dark, with all the twinkly lights that don't show up when the flash went off.
 The photographer need someone to hold her reflector and Kristi stepped in. Guess she knows how to do it quite well.  I took over for her so she could visit with the other kids. Had fun helping this mom take pictures.  I mean a chance to help someone else take pictures, what a blast!!
This is Patrick Hanson (Andrea's brother) that Kristi is helping with here.
 Andrea Hanson, what a pretty sweet girl.
 Mariah, Kristi (seated) and Andrea. Three of the Home schooled kids from Word of Faith Church.
  I really like this dress. The boots were my wedding present from Todd 30 years ago. They were a little snug for Kristi, but she can at least get them on. They no longer fit me.

 I asked Kristi if she like the dress, and she said yes. And then I asked her if she had one like it would she wear it?  She said, "No, why would I want to do that?" sigh...
I still say this girl could model. Must be all the practice she's had posing for me through the years, while I practice my photography. 

As we were driving home, Kristi mentioned she wants to cut her hair off now, and donate again to Locks of Love.  I love her long hair, but I also know she purposely was growing it out to cut it off to donate. Stay tune soon to a new look for Kristi.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Disney Smile

I was flippin' through pictures today, and came across this picture I took some time ago, of my niece's bed. this is her line up of Disney Characters she loves. I don't know, it just kind of made me smile. When life seems overwhelming to me, it's kind of nice to look at life through the eyes of a child. 
Don't they just make you smile? But looks like we were missing her "Poohs" which she has several of. I'm kind of partial to Pooh too. He must have been out looking for honey. :-)