Thursday, December 26, 2013

Celebration of the life of Todd James Reuer Information

I'm sorry for the delay of details to the time of Todd's funeral, but with Christmas, the funeral home was closed. This morning was the first we got to meet with them to discuss dates and times.

The Celebration Service of the life of Todd James Reuer will take place on Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 10:30 am at the Word of Faith Church in Bismarck ND.  (1503 East Divide Ave
The public viewing will be at Parkway Funeral Home in Bismarck, ND from 2-5 pm on Jan 1, 2014.  There will be a Prayer and Remembrance Service at 7 pm at Word of Faith Church on Wednesday, Jan 1, 2014.  

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Present Underneath the Tree

I sat down on the couch this morning in front of the tree, and looked down at the gifts and this is what I saw.  The poem below is what came to my heart.
Todd always called this time of year his panic season. You see gift giving was not his strong point, and in a span of three weeks, he had Christmas, our Anniversary, and my birthday.  He got off the hook this year, by moving on up to heaven.  But I think the gift of his life and love to me, will last a very long time.  Love and miss you my cowboy!

There's a  present underneath my tree
But the one to receive it is not here
He left this earth for a better place
His gifts there far greater than here.

He's in perfect health now, his mind is clear
He's speaking praises to his King
He's doing a dance around the throne
Singing "I Know my Redeemer Lives".

He's missed far more than he'll ever know
But his memory lives on in our hearts 
Till The Lord in grace will lead us home
To reunite with him in that place.

His Christmas is merry he's rejoicing indeed
With the one we all celebrate
His gifts are far greater than what we could give
Eternal life in it's fullness is his.

Todd moved on up to heaven - Dec 22, 2013

    Took this above picture of Todd a few years ago at sunset.  

 This morning at the end of the Childrens Christmas Program, I happened to reach down and touch my braclet that Todd had given me on our 25th Anniversary, I suddenly began to cry, cause he wasn't there with me.  Yah, I've had lots of moments like that lately, but none prepared me for the shock tonight about quarter to five when the Nursing Home called and said they had just taken Todd to ER.  His blood pressure had crashed, and he was breathing erratic.  The RN said that's all she knew, at the moment, Dr VJ was on his way there (or was already there, I don't remember), and she'd call me back as soon as she knew more.  At a few minutes after five,  I received a call from Dr VJ saying that he was very sorry, they had done all they could, but Todd had quit breathing when he got to the ER and then his heart stopped, and the resuscitation was unsucessful.  I believe Todd caught a glimpse of heaven and decided he wasn't coming back.  What a glorious moment for him, to meet Jesus face to face.   While he went on home, I cried in shock and pain of loosing my best friend and love of my life.  I was so thankful to have been at my parents farm at the moment of receiving the call, as we went out so Grandma and Grandpa could see Philip before all the business of Christmas set in.  
  Thank you out to Pastor Tim Davidson and Theressa Simon who came out to farm to be with us, and pray with us.
   Tyson and Sarah and girls are on the road, and were just about to Kansas City when I called with the sad news.  They decided to spend the night in Council Bluff and take off in the morning, a wise choice I believe.  Praying for safety as they make the rest of the trip here tomorrow.
     I'll post more as to when the  Celebration of Todd's life service will be, after the kids and I have made some decisions.
    Thank you to all who have poured out your love to us or just prayed for us.  I'm not sure how to  pass from being a wife to being a widow, a transition and name I never wanted to make or have.  To go from being a couple to being alone, from him being my best "pard" (partner for you uncowboy people) to me running solo. 
     But I know he's in a better place.  He's free from a body that had trapped him inside, there's no more suffereing for him.  He's truly free.  And I know this might not be too scriptural, but I wonder if Jesus and him aren't out checking the horses that Jesus will  ride in the book of Revelations.  Heaven just gained one heck of a good cowboy.  A man whose heart was always after God.  A man that had a passion for the Word of God, and loved to share God's love with everyone he met.  He never knew a stranger, and walked in love like no one else I've ever met.  You couldn't help but love him, cause he was just that kind of guy.  Todd, I love so much, and will miss you so very very much. 
This picture is from a few years ago, while we lived in Kintyre, but I love it.  Todd saw tonight something more beautiful than a ND sunrise, he looked at his Savior face to face. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Visit with My Dad- Philip's Visit with Todd

Philip and I went up on Wednesday to see Todd and be part of the Tioga Nursing Home Christmas party.  I asked Philip to share his view on the visit and here's what he wrote.

 But here's a few pictures, and keep scrolling down for what Philip wrote.

 Philip was doing a little physical therapy with Todd, some things he had learned when he use to work in a nursing home.
 Holding his Dad's hand.  

“Every moment is a blessing”
 Visit with Dad 
(by Philip Reuer)

It has been a long time ago since I had seen my dad last. Last time I saw my dad, we were laughing and joking (even though it made no sense) and had a really good memory to end with before my adventure to Colorado Springs. In fact, an answer to prayer when I asked God for a miracle in church that morning, I believe he did answer that prayer with a blessing to see him in a joyful state and feeling the warmth of his presence, to hear that wonderful laugh. A laugh I had not heard in a long time. To gaze into his eyes and see how much he appreciated me being there. But when I saw him last Wednesday, I did not have that same feeling. It was a feeling of shock and helplessness. My dad was no longer laughing or smiling. He was staring into space like he was in a trance. At times he would have seconds of realization of alertness and would communicate a non-verbal cue of a nod, smirk, and or a faded smile. Sometimes he would release an “humph” or a “yea”. 
The man I used to dream of beating in a race now can’t walk straight without assistance. The man who used to eat my left overs, now can’t feed himself. It breaks my heart seeing him go through this. I understand that long-term nursing homes are not a pretty place but are necessary. Having worked in one, I promised myself to never go back. But now the man who shaped my roots of who I am, my dad, the man I love and is proud of, is now in the very place I hate the most. It is hard, but also a blessing. I cannot know what the next day may bring forth. I must hold on to every opportunity to remember what the people I love the most are in the moment I am with them, because that will not last forever. Although, it saddens my heart that my dad is in his own cage of entrapment of his mind, I hold onto those nods, smirks, faded smiles, “humph’s” and “yea’s”, because every moment is a blessing and is an answer to prayer.      

 Philip showing Todd the helmet he got from all the player at the AFA with all the Varsity players signatures. Very cool.
 Phil helping his Dad walk
 Todd has become very unstable and weak.  In the last few weeks he has repeatedly fallen while trying to walk or stand by himself.  For his safety, the staff has him in a wheel chair, or walking with staff members assistance.  
 Santa showed up for the Christmas party, and posed for a moment with Todd for a picture. 
Philip sitting with Todd during the gift opening. The shirt in Todd's lap was a gift from one of the CNA's.  A couple of staff members gave him gifts along with the gift I had brought him.

On Thursday all of us (Tyson, Sarah, Kadence, Selah, Philip, Kristi and I) will go up to see Todd.  God so wonderfully provided us a place to stay (a wonderful family in the Tioga Assembly of God said we could stay at their home) and another family from our Church here in Bismarck rented us a van so we could all drive up their together!  I just cried at God's outpouring of love to us.  We also received some unexpected money that will cover the gas to get there.  All I can say is God is good!!  
There has been times when I've wondered where in the world is God in all this, but there other times, I believe He's holding us all in the very palm of his hand in love and tender care.  

Merry Christmas to you all! 
(the 2013 Reuer Christmas Card)