The following is a little something that Kristi wrote. I thought it was so great, I asked her if I could share it on my blog. So… The Battered Penny
The Battered
I was walking with heavy heart and
lowered head when my down cast gaze met with a tiny ray of light.
‘Twas a small copper penny.
It was battered and scarred, lost by one and
trampled by many.
Considered worthless
by most, but in it I found my worth.
For as I considered this tiny
treasure the Spirit spoke to my spirit and said, “You are like this penny. You’ve been bruised and scarred but you have
not lost your worth. Your Father in heaven knows your worth and it is far more
than a penny. Indeed you are priceless for you were bought with a price beyond
count. Your Father sees your struggles and hears your cries. He put this penny
in your path to brighten your day and remind you of your worth. Know that He
loves you and is always with you, no matter what. When you place your trust in
Him he will provide for you. For He is your Father and He cares for your needs.”
So with
lightened heart and lifted eyes I continued on my path, the copper in my pocket
reminding me that I’m worth more than gold.