Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Don’t forget the Bread


   I recently heard someone tell a story that rung true in my heart and life.

His wife had called and asked him to please stop and pick up a loaf of bread on his way home from work.  He said he’d be glad to.  Her last words before they hung up the phone was, “Don’t forget the bread.”  He chuckled, “Of course I won’t forget, that’s why I’m going to the store.”  On his way home from work, he swung by the grocery store, but soon found himself distracted  as to why he was there.  He saw some bananas, and thought that sounded good, pretty soon he found himself in the cookie isle, then the chips, and somehow wandered over to the frozen section and eyed some ice cream, that just sounded so good.  Soon his cart was filling up with all kinds of yummy sounding food, enough to comfort his soul and satisfy his hunger craving quickly.  He went through the checkout, and headed on home.  As he got home and set the grocery sacks on the kitchen counter, his wife took a peak, and said, “Did you remember the bread?”
  Oh no!  The main reason he went, he had neglected to do.  Other things got in his way and distracted him.  To quote the movie “Up” it was a “Squirrel!!” moment.
    Though this mans story was funny it was the relate-ability of it that hit home.  How many times do we set out with good intentions to do something, but get distracted by all the enticing things along the way, and then miss the main point all together. I fear I’m not alone in this trouble. I’m an easily distracted person. I often have to rein myself in, and say, “whoa!” Not what I’m suppose to be doing.
  Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35).  So don’t forget the bread!  He’s the main thing.  Life wants to distract you at every turn, but the bread is what you’re looking for.  Don’t forget the bread!! Focus on the important and the thing you really need. The bread. And that bread is Jesus!

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Remember Lots Wife

     One small verse with just three words. Luke 17:32 “Remember Lot’s wife!”  In my Bible the words are in red, which means, Jesus said them.  So if this is something Jesus said for us to remember, why is it I don’t ever remember hearing a sermon preached from this verse, or even really noticed it myself in my reading.
   Jesus said there’s something I want you to remember.  Remember Lot’s wife!  So what’s up with Lot’s wife, and why should we remember her?  Did she do something great for the kingdom of God, did her faith propel her into the Hall of Faith?  Did she face giants and defeat them?  Nope, none of those. Actually what she did was, she looked back.  And in looking back she died by turning into a pillar of salt, one of the most bizarre deaths recorded in the Bible. 
   She was living in a very evil place but rich in its worldly goods.  An angel had come to her and her husband Lot, and told them to flee Sodom, and not look back.  (Genesis 19:17) The angel even took them by the hand and rushed them out of the city, showing how eminent the danger was.  He warned that if they even looked back they would be consumed with the judgement that was going to consume Sodom and Gomorrah.
    “We need to look forward to our deliverance, not back at a world passing away and ripe for judgment.”  
    I’ve heard it said, if you drive looking in your rear view mirror you’ll wreck for sure.  Your future is in front of you, so quit looking back to what you use to have, or did, or the things you miss.  There’s a future ahead of you, not behind you.  Don’t crave and desire that sinful life you were living before Christ.  It’s a new life with Jesus that’s so much better than anything you had before.  So remember Lots wife and don’t look back!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


 This morning I was checking my emails, and became annoyed at all the junk email there was.  Do you get them too?  From different places you may have contacted in the past by ordering something, or checking their website, and now your email in-box is loaded with constant emails from them.  I’ve tried to keep up deleting those unwanted emails, but then keep piling up on me.  So I again started going down the list and unsubscribing.

    There are  other things in life that need to be unsubscribed to also.  How about negative thoughts, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, etc. the list could go on and on.  Things in life that just clutter up your mind and heart, and don’t let you get to the things that are really important.  The clutter makes finding those wanted personal emails, hard to find.  So even though I unsubscribe to emails every once in a while,  without careful diligence, unwanted emails can pile up.
         I love how the Amplified Bible says it in Hebrews 12:1, ““… let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,”
‭       All those little things that entangle us, like getting caught in a net or trap.  We unknowingly step in, and slowly but surely we get more and more tangled into the mess of the trap, till we can’t get out without careful and purposeful action.  The next verse in Hebrews 12 tells us just how to untangle and unsubscribe to this mess.  “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…”  Look to Jesus.  He can help you unsubscribe to those things that are weighing you down.  When we’re free of the clutter and extra weight it has caused in our lives, we can then run our race with freedom.
     So maybe today, take some time to clean out your email in-box, and unsubscribe to all that junk, and also start to click unsubscribe to a some unwanted junk in your heart.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Chasing Dust Bunnies

      I recently moved all my belongings into a storage unit, and emptied out my house.  As pieces of furniture were either removed because I sold them, or loading them into the moving truck, there always seemed to be those never ending dust bunnies underneath.  Some were so large, I had to call them 'dust buffalos' because a bunny just didn't seem to fit them.  Having a long haired cat has certainly added to the added dust collection.   Nobody likes them, but most everyone has them, a dust collection, unwanted, unseen till deep cleaning happens, or you move the furniture.  Dust bunnies don't hurt anything, just make you sneeze and are hard to sweep up, as they float around the floor.   They float around gaining extra particles of dust, and hair as they roll across the floor.

     Dust bunnies can be a lot like negative thoughts.  They start out small, and almost unoticed, but start to pick up more dirt around them, till they start to take form and become a real nuisance in ones life.  As the dust bunnies in our mind collect more dirt, they start to take on form, often of something that really was never there.  We imagine the worst.  Negative thoughts  attract more negative things.  It takes real effort to change them, just like it takes moving the couch to find them underneath.  That’s why in Philippians 4:6 says to think on things that are true, noble, just, pure and lovely and a good report.  We have to purposefully think on those things.   But if we will actually change our thinking, we’re promised that the God of peace will be with us.  
   “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:8-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬