Sunday, October 31, 2010

Repost of In the Dark of Night

Reposted it bigger

Fading Flowers of days gone by

The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our God remains forever. Isa. 40:8

In the Dark of night, a light is shining

Todd was returning from the barn the other night, and looked up and saw this. He came in the house and insisted I come with my camera and capture it. So glad I did.
In life at times, things can seem dark, but a light is shining, and if you look up how beautiful it can be.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Kristi's Quilt

Over a two year project, it's finally done. Kristi finally has a beautiful quilt on her bed. Her first night she said her dream had a horse in it. :-) 
 This quilt makes me think of, sometimes we have a dream, and things happen that interrupt that dream.  You see I was working on it pretty steady in Colorado, and wanted to finish it there. Then Todd's boss fired him, and our lives were in an upheaval  again.  It wasn't till this summer, while Kristi was in Peru (and I had 3 weeks all by myself alone in this house) I was able to finish it. (Well, I wasn't totally alone, Todd was here too, but he's always working, so it's just me in the house the majority of the time). 

  This morning I was reading the story of Joseph in the Bible. He was given a dream. No matter what happened in his life, he knew his dream would still come to pass. It sure didn't look like it in the natural. I think if he would have blamed God or gotten depressed, it might not have happened. But Joseph kept his faith in God.  In the end all the bad stuff that happened, he viewed as part of God's plan to get him where he could fulfill that dream.  He in an amazing example to all of us. When life doesn't make sense, just know, God still has the plan, and if you keep trusting him, that dream (given by God) will happen in your life.  
   Well, how I got all that out of a quilt, I don't know, but hope you keep dreaming, and snuggle down with the true Comforter (the Holy Spirit).