Saturday, September 3, 2011

Trip to Fargo

Last weekend Kristi and I went with my mom and sisters to Fargo.
Just a couple shots from the day.
 "The Blue's Sisters"
 We stopped in Valley City on the way home to see Philip.  
Phil is holding a can of popcorn Kim and I got him for a belated birthday gift.


Here are a few shots from around the farm the other day.
Finishing up the field
 Hanging ropes.
Todd has all his ropes hanging in the tack room, and I've always thought they looked pretty cool.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Kleppe Family Session

Met this very nice family last week, and had a fun time capturing some moments with them. You guys were a lot of fun to work with and I hope everyone enjoyed the ice cream following! We were right behind you in the drive up. 

Kristi's 9th Grade pictures and my lesson of the day

Every time I shoot a photo session I feel I learn something. But todays lesson was costly. I learned how very valuable my daughter's assistance is to me, and how much she does. Since I was shooting her, I had to  do her job too. Needless to say, I made a big error, and didn't watch where my portable battery pack was when I went to move my light. I dropped it, and broke it.  Thankfully it still works, but now has to be gaffer taped together. Thank you Kristi for all you do for me.  You're a much better VAL than I am. 
Here's a few pictures from our short session.

We chuckled at her farmers tan. But she says she's quite proud of it, cause that means she's done a lot of mowing for me this summer. Thanks Kristi you rock!! Or at least you're sitting by a rock. :-)