Monday, August 4, 2014

Memories in a Box

 I was walking through my very messy garage tonight, wondering how in the world the mess happened, as it use to be so neat and clean, when I glanced up to the shelves where I have storage tubs of various things, such as Christmas decorations, etc.  It was the tub labeled "Memories" that caught my eye.  How do I put memories in a box?  Do they belong in a box?  Is that the only place for memories?  Is it good to keep memories?  Ok, now you're wondering how I got all that just from looking at a storage tub?  Me too!
    I know if I opened up that tub (and I think there are a couple with that label) I would be flooded with memories. Those things all have an attachment of some sort that meant something in my life, or the life of my kids or Todd.  What they really are, are land marks of defining moments in my life.  They represent something in my life of significance that I wanted for some reason to remember.  We all have them of some sort.  I'm a great keeper of those kind of things, ok, some people just call me a sentimental pack rat, that's probably true too, but sometimes it's so fun to go back and remember those things.  Especially the good things  but then again, I don't usually keep something that reminds me of a bad memory.  
    I know in one of those tubs is a coloring book from when I was about 5 years old.  I've kept it all these years, because there's a picture colored by my friend Joanie who lost her life when she was about 6 years old when she drown in the Missouri river. Yes, it's a sad memory, but it's also a good memory, for Joanie was my best friend at that time.  I know I have things like some trophies I won (those are pretty few), and music I wrote as a kid, even a few programs from a concert or two that I sang in.  There's pictures my kids drew when they were little, and a few love letters from Todd.
    God told Israel many times to set up a landmark or memorial, for them to remember what God had just done for them, this is quite similar to keeping a small memento of a precious memory.   So I guess I do have memories in a box, and I think it's good.  Sometimes we remember all those good things that God has done in our lives and it lifts us back up to faith that He has good things in the future for us too.
    I also have memories on my walls, in the form of photos and orginial paintings. Even the few prints I have are ones from people I know personally or had great significance into why we purchased it.  (Such as my three G Harvey prints purchased through Focus on the Family)
    I also have a few things that I hold on to, that remind me of promises that God has given me.  They don't mean anything to anyone else but me, but they're things I've been holding on to for a long time, and I know God is faithful, and someday, I will see that promise completely fulfilled in my life, but until that day comes, I have a reminder that God said that to me.
    As for the mess in my garage,  some stuff is left from the garage sale, and some left from Philip coming home from college. As for what to do with it, I'm not sure. sigh... Some day the "I got to reclaim my garage space lion" will arrive, and things will find a home somewhere, you'll probably hear me roaring. 

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