My friend Robyn who also loves photography, has been sending me a daily assignment in photography. Like a word, then come up how you interpret that word in a picture. Here are a few I've come up with in the last few days.
the word was Symmetry.
This is a wooden bowl that my dad's friend Earl made from him out of a stump of an Elm tree my dad had to cut down. This tree use to be my brother's tree house. We had lots of fun up in that tree.
The word was: Winter
Kind of laughed cause that day it was 50 degrees. But this is our Winter? Love the long shadows though.
The word was: Black and White
I'm a pretty black and white person, but the black and white keys of piano love to call my name.
The word was: blue
There's nothing like a clear blue North Dakota sky!!
I'll keep posting any assignment I actually get done. I did miss one day, and that word was morning. Ha, ha, wonder how come I missed that one. Too late to call it morning, by the time I read the assignment. LOL